Copy - Looking After Yourself: Our Offer
Daryl Hurst
Created on February 6, 2024
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Looking After Ourselves: Our offer
What we can do for you
The Health Hub
We have a whole page of the Hub dedicated to health and wellbeing - so use it to stay informed
What we can do for you
Smart Working
You can work with your manager to decide how best to do your job - we trust you to work smart
What we can do for you
Specialised Support
We have access to specialist support through OH and EAPs ifor when you need a professional
What we can do for you
The Basics
We have a generous holiday entitlement and want to make sure you use it!
What we can do for you
Perks and Benefits
Our generous wellbeing perks include massages, yoga and financial savings
IIThe Health Hub is a one stop shop for your health and wellbeing needs, questions or activities. It has loads of information including how to book onto Yoga or get a free massage, but also general information about staying healthy, safety policies and guidance.
The Health Hub
What we offer to support your health and Wellbeing
Our Wellbeing Offer
- The Safe and Well OneThrive channel also keeps you up to date on all things Health and Safety so make sure you are following that to get the latest
Our Wellbeing Offer
Our benefit package is very wide-reaching and aims to look after all aspects of your health and wellbeing. From financial bonuses based on company performance, to a flexpot for you to spend some cash to money back for health visits - maximising engagement with our benefits will really help you stay well!
We have a generous benefit package
- We recommend you register for YuLife- don't worry we'll show you how. This app is great for encouraging wellbeing by promoting movement and meditation and offeirng financial rewards for engaging!
What we offer to support your health and Wellbeing
Our Wellbeing Offer
Smart working recognises that not everyone works best in the same way. Some people prefer a very structured approach, pthers need more flexibility. Our Smart Working policy outlines our approach here so make sure you have a read.
Smart working
- Essentially this means working how you need to work - whether that's at home, in the office or out and about. We aren't clock watching or looking for a constant green dot on Teams. It's about trusting you to get your job done and deliver the results in the best way for you!
What we offer to support your health and Wellbeing
Our Wellbeing Offer
Sometimes things can get a bit much and day-to-day management of health and wellbeing may not be enough. For these days we have specialist support in place to help you recover, and stay well.
Specialised Support
- This may be quite simple changes like setting you up with better or more appropraite equipment
- It may mean you engaging with our 2 Employee Assistance Programmes to speak to specialists
- It may mean referrals to Occupational Health.
What we offer to support your health and Wellbeing
Our Wellbeing Offer
Good health and wellbeing starts from the very basics!
The Basics
- Use your annual leave effectively to take a break, rest and recharge. We have a generous offering that grows with every year of service so make sure you use your time effectively
- Give yourself breaks during the day to stretch, move and rest your eyes.
- Take basic steps to protect from infections- clean up after yourself in the communal areas and stay at home if you're not well.
What we offer to support your health and Wellbeing