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L'Invenzione dei Motori a Scoppio: Un'Indagine sulla Paternità della Tecnologia


Internal combustion engines represent one of the most revolutionary inventions in the field of engineering and transportation. These engines have had a significant impact on modern society, enabling advancements in the automotive, aviation, and maritime industries. In this research, we will explore the origins of internal combustion engines, focusing on who is credited with inventing this crucial technology.

Nikolaus Otto

Nikolaus Otto: One of the pioneers in the creation of the internal combustion engine was Nikolaus Otto, a German engineer. In 1876, Otto patented a four-stroke engine, known as the Otto cycle engine, which formed the basis for many subsequent internal combustion engines. We will examine Otto's contribution and his role in the early development of this technology.

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Gottlieb Daimler e Karl Benz

Gottlieb Daimler and Karl Benz: Over the next few years, Gottlieb Daimler and Karl Benz, also German, made important improvements to internal combustion engines. Daimler is known for the internal combustion engine, while Benz built the first vehicle powered by an internal combustion engine in 1885. We will explore the work of both and their impact on the spread of internal combustion engines in the automotive industry.

Rudolf Diesel

Rudolf Diesel: Rudolf Diesel, another German inventor, also contributed to the development of internal combustion engines. In 1892, Diesel patented the Diesel engine, which differed from the traditional combustion engine. We will examine the role of Diesel in the advancement of this technology and its differences compared to conventional combustion engines.

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