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ACT Information
Graphing Calculator
What data displays & models help us to make decisions, conclusions, and inferences about data in the real world?

I will be able to:
  • use mean & standard deviation to read/create normal distributions (11.1)
  • read/interpret linear & non-linear scatterplots and use correlation coefficients to determine reliability (11.2, 11.3)
  • infer, explain, and make conclusions using graphs, correlation & causation (11.4, 11.5, 11.6)

11: Data & Probability

11.1: Mean, Standard Deviation & Normal DistributionA2.D.1.1 - Use the mean and standard deviation of a data set to create a normal distribution (bell-shaped curve).

11.2: Linear & Non-Linear Scatterplots11.3: Using Regression & Correlation CoefficientA2.D.1.2 Collect data and use scatter plots to analyze patterns and describe linear, exponential, or quadratic relationships between two variables. A2.D.1.3 Make predictions based upon the regression equation (linear, exponential, or quadratic), and use the correlation coefficient to assess the reliability of those predictions using graphing technology.

11.4: Making Inferences & Distorted Graphs11.5: Find & Explain Misleading Graphs & Conclusions11.6: Correlation & CausationA2.D.2.1 Evaluate reports by making inferences, justifying conclusions, and determining appropriateness of data collection methods. Show how graphs and data can be distorted to support different points of view. A2.D.2.2 Identify and explain misleading conclusions and graphical representations of data sets. A2.D.2.3 Differentiate between correlation and causation when describing the relationship between two variables.

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