Want to make creations as awesome as this one?


Diploma of Higher Education (Business)

* relevant subjects include Administration, Business Management, Economics, Geography, History, Mathematics, Modern Studies or Natural Sciences.

Entry Requirements Three Highers, Two at Grade B and One at Grade C in relevant* subjects including English AND two National 5 qualifications at Grade C or above including Mathematics; OR Other equivalent qualifications or experience

This course is designed to give you direct entry into the third year of the BA degree programme in Business at Strathclyde Business School, a qualification highly regarded by employers. It is run as a collaboration between City of Glasgow College and the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.

What is this? An Outline

Your Timetable

You will have 1 day off each week which will remain the same for the entire academic year. For the other 4 days you will be in between the hours of 9am and 5pm.You will have independent/course study hours on your timetable along with lecturer contact time.

This is a 2 year course The academic year is divided into 2 semesters. You will study approximately 5 different units each block.

How is the Course Structured

Diploma Year One

Managing People (20 credits)Academic Skills (10 credits)Business Entrepreneurship (20 credits)Economics (20 credits)Psychology (10 credits)Marketing (20 credits)Statistics (10 credits)Information Technology (10 credits)

What will you Study?

Diploma Year Two

You will select 2 pathways from the following 3:

  • Business Entrepreneurship
  • Marketing
  • Human Resources/Work Psychology
Mandatory for all
  • Management Development
  • Plus one elective

What will you Study?

Strathclyde Year Three

Diploma Year Two

Diploma Year One

Or Different degree path with other Unis Or Employment

Focus on the subjects you like

Your journey starts here

Progression Route

Entry conditions are difficult, but perfectly attainable Absolutely no resits in any Year 1/Year 2 unitsPass Year 1 to progress to Year 2Pass Year 2 with Merit(60% plus) in all subjects

Strathclyde Business School

Industry Links

Why Study at City of Glasgow College?

Bringing Learning to Life

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Engaging, Challenging and Fun

Current Case Studies, Trends and Responses Work with partners on real life challenges

Class Size


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Here for You


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Allows for creation of robust relationships


Throughout your time at College

Applications applications@cityofglasgowcollege.ac.ukCurriculum Head ollie.brook@cityofglasgowcollege.ac.uk Towards Better FuturesMichelle.kershaw@glasgow.gov.uk

Useful Contacts

Question 1Why would you like to study business, and why have you chosen this course specifically?Question 2 Write a paragraph on a company that you think excels at business.RecipientOllie.brook@cityofglasgowcollege.ac.uk

Your Challenge