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Designing Learner Center AssessmentsKristy CookAmerican College of EducationED5023

Module 4 Application


The Plan- Do- Study- Act (PDSA) cycle was developed by W. Edwards Deming with the goal of creating assessments that were centered around the learner (American College of Education).It is so important for students to be involved in opportunities that are engaging in order for them to have a meaningful learning experience. "Students construct meaning through relevant learning activities (Biggs, 2003)" (L. Wheatley et al., 2015).

Plan- Do- Study- Act

Planning is the first step of this cycle. It involves clear objectives, steps that will carry out the lesson, and data collection information.





This step involves developing the learner centered assessment by describing the process and assessment.

This step allows you to take a deeper dive into the data that was collected.

This steps takes a look at ways to revise the assessment and possibly use it in the next cycle.


Students will design sketches of their own pools using what they know about volume.Students will reflect on their learning by explaining their design, skills, and outcome in a detailed written response.





Students will demonstrate they can apply their understandings about volume to real world situations.Students will demonstrate they can solve volume equations by using the formula V=l x w x h.Students will demonstrate their understanding by reflecting on their volume skills in a written response.

Two fifth grade classrooms each consisting of 22 students (44 students total).8 Special Education students2 English language learners

The student reflections will allow students to take a step back during the learning process, and meaningfully analyze the skills they are confident/ not confident in. This will allow them to take charge of their own learning, and give the teachers the opportunity to see an honest opinion from their students and use that information to drive instruction.


44 fifth grade students





Data Collection:

Students will provide a detailed written self reflection on their learning experience.

These reflections will occur throughout the unit on volume. This will allow students to continue to check in with themselves and monitor their learning.

Math Classroom

The teacher will use their volume performance tasks and written reflection responses as data.


Students will respond to the following questions at the end of the volume unit. The teacher will have students review their completed performance tasks in order to respond to the reflection questions.Students will be given as much time as they need to reflect on their work and understanding of the skills.

Learner Centered Assessment


The teacher will review student performance tasks as well as their cooresponding reflections. The teacher will group them into 3 piles- mastery, developing, and needs improvement.The teacher will then meet with those students who need improvement first, and create lessons that will re-teach specific skills and gain student confidence.

How will you analyze data?

How will you know if the assessment provides the intended benefits for students?

Students will show positive engagement and motivation levels.Students will show growth from beginning of the unit.Students will share their glows and grows while conferencing with teacher.Students reflection will correspond with mastery of performance task.

How will you intervene if students do not achieve the intended results?

The teacher will pull students for small group lessons in order to reinforce specific skills.The teacher will conference with students throughout the unit.


Students not being honest with their personal self reflections.Students performance tasks not correlating with their self reflection (for example their work shows they do not understand the concept, but their reflection says otherwise).

What would cause you to revise the assessment?

How could you use the assessment in the next cycle?

I can use this assessment with various math skills and concepts. It will allow students to form a routine of being self aware of their work knowing they will self reflect at the end of each unit.


The Plan- Do- Study- Act (PSDA) cycle allows students to be involved in their own learning experiences. In this specific assessment process, students are given the opportunity to honestly reflect on their skills which puts them in charge of knowing what they understand, and thinking about their next steps. "Students who embrace what are called mastery or learning goals focus on self-improvement, developing competence, accomplishing challenging tasks, gaining insight and new skills and understanding" (J. McMillan & A. Turner, 2014, p.3).



Wheatley, L., Mcinch, A., Fleming, S., & Lord, R. (2015). Feeding back to feed forward: Formative assessment as a platform for effective learning. Kentucky Journal of Higher Education Policy and Practice, Vol.3(2), 1-29.


McMillan, J. H., &Turner, A. B. (2014). Understanding student voices about assessment: Links to learning and motivation. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association (pp.1-48)