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Ecological Quiz


used to/to be used to

Read the text. Choose the correct answers.

Until last month, my parents had a farm so I 1……………… living in the country. Now we live in the city and I 2……………… the noise. There 3……………… be so many cars in our village and I can’t 4……………… all the traffic. I feel a bit nervous when I’m in the city centre because I 5……………… seeing so many people I don’t know. There are always lots of people, so I hope I’ll 6……………… the crowds soon. In the country we 7……………… have a vegetable garden so we always had fresh vegetables. My mum 8……………… shopping in a supermarket, and she hates it!


1) a get used to b ‘m used to c ‘m not used to2) a didn’t use to b ‘m used to c ‘m not used to3) a didn’t use to b ‘s used to c isn’t used to4) a get used to b be used to c used to5) a didn’t use to b ‘m not used to c isn’t used to6) a ‘m used to b get used to c ‘m not used to7) a used to b ‘re used to c isn’t used to 8) a didn’t use to b get used to c isn’t used to
