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A guide for parents and teachersJad Batshoun

Shaping socio-emotional development in the early years




Support strategies


Environmental Influences

Biopsychosocial Approach

Access to supportive resources/protective factors

Socio-economic status


In order for healthy socio-emotional development to occur for children from 0-5, the connections between genetics and the environment need to be understood. This guide aims to aid parents and teachers with information that shapes early childhood experiences. Many key theories and concepts accurately describe how children's socio-emotional skills are influenced and created.


Genetics make up a child's temperament and emotional tendencies. Some kids are born more sensitive, and if these differences are respected and recognized then their socio-emotional well-being will benefit.

+ Socio-emotional development


Temperament: The foundation of personality, usually biologically determined, including characteristics like energy level, emotional responsiveness, willigness to explore, and more.

Attachment: Attachment is a strong connection between a child and their parent/caretaker. It makes a major difference on a child's sense of security.

Collaborating with the Community


Promoting Emotional Literacy


Encouraging Play and Social Interaction


Building Secure Attachments


Practice Support Strategies

Family dynamics, early experiences, and community interactions are crucial in molding socio-emotional skills. Secure attachment, positive caregiver relationships, and exposure to new and unique social situations contribute strongly to a child's social and emotional IQ.

Environmental Influences

Family Dynamics: The ways that family members interact with one another. Household dynamics are heavily influenced by culture, traditions, and parental household roles, influencing a child's socio-emotional development.

Authoritative Parenting:The most effective parenting style; an authoritative parent would establish a strict bedtime but would explain the reasoning behind their decision and would openly encourage communication.

Epigenetics: How behaviors and environment can cause changes that affect the way genes work. When epigenetics are involved, DNA sequences and the way they appear can vary based on environmental and social factors unlike typical permanent genetic traits. This concept is important in understanding how genetics and environment can be viewed at from the biopsychosocial perspective.

Neuroplasticity: The brain's ability to continue growing and evolving when important life experiences occur. It expands on the connection between biological factors and experiences.

Nature (unfolding of innate abilities) vs Nurture (All knowledge and skills are learned). The biopsychosocial approach helps acknowledge the interaction between both.

Understanding how biological, psychological, and social factors converge and blend together helps provide a panoramic outlook on socio-emotional development, and highlights the need for a balanced approach in nurturing children.

Biopsychosocial Approach

A sense of belonging and identification with one's cultural background strengthens connections and helps with stressors and challenges.

Cultural Connection

Access to quality schooling, extracurricular activities, and educational support that serves as a protective factor on enriching educational experiences.

Educational Opportunities

Positive relationships that promote healthy socio-emotional development.

Supportive Relationships

Conditions or attributes within families or larger societies promoting positive outcomes in development.

Protective Factors

Access to supportive resources/protective factors

A sense of belonging and identification with one's cultural background strengthens connections and helps with stressors and challenges.

Cultural Connection

Access to quality schooling, extracurricular activities, and educational support that serves as a protective factor on enriching educational experiences.

Educational Opportunities

Positive relationships that promote healthy socio-emotional development help ennsure children's continous thriving and success.

Supportive Relationships

Conditions or attributes within families or larger societies promoting positive outcomes in development.

Protective Factors

Access to supportive resources/protective factors

Socioeconomic status significantly influences a child's access to resources and opportunities. Though challenges may arise due to access to limited resources, awareness and creativity can help parents and teachers alike to still provide enriching experiences and continue socio-emotional growth.

Socio-economic status and its impact

In order to completely maximize positive socio-emotional development, understanding the nuances between genetics, environment, socio-economic status, and access to resources is pivotal. By utilizing these insights in daily interactions and educational practices, parents and teachers can uphold the youth emotionally and socially.
