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Game of Life!

Roll the dice!

Game of Life Summary

Perspective & Priorities

The problem with "Winning"

Keep the goal HIGH!

Get the rocks in first!

The Mind

Train the Intellect to see the "Screen"

Know the Rules

Do you choose to see the glass as half full or half empty?Remember the Egg story - you are everyone you help or victimise. Choose wisely.

"The gold medal is a wonderful thing. But if you are not enough without it, you'll never be enough with it- Cool Runnings

"... becuase reaching the goal is not the goal. It is when you are striving to reach the goal that you grow"- Gurudev

Know yourslef. Know what your rocks are. And spend your time on that. The rest is just sand.

Your mind is like a river.

  • Keep it calm: too many thoughts will create agitation.
  • Keep it clean: Impure thoughts will cloud the reflection of the pure sun.
  • Keep it flowing towards the ocean (God)
Train the mind to stay in the present through Japa and Meditation. You can learn to control the quality, quantity and direction of your thoughts.

The "screen" is what lies beneight the picture. Its the plain canvas upon which the exhuberance of life is staged. If you learn to see the screen, you will not be overwhelmed by the emotions of the picture

The Body, Mind and Intelect (BMI): Train the body to be fit, the mind to be under your control and the intellect with the right knowledge.Law of Karma: Your past actions will dictate your present circumstances. It is not a punishment, it is just action and it's consequence

Key Highlights

What are the 4 stages of Life?What are the rules for each stage of life?



How can prayer help the mind?



Why should we keep our mind in the present?How is thinking about the past or future detrimental to present performance?



How can you train your mind to work for you rather than against you?



Box 55


What is Dharma?



What is Maya?



What is the law of Karma? What are some misperceptions of it?



If God is infinite and formless… why do we worship idols?



Are some types of goals better than others? Explain with examplesHaving studied this text, what advice would you give someone on life goal setting?



Players start with a token - which represents each of them - in the initial square and take turns rolling the die. The tokens move according to the numbering on the board, in ascending order. If, at the end of a move, a player lands on a square where a ladder begins, they move up it to the square where it ends. If, on the other hand, they land on a square where a snake's tail begins, they move down it to the square where its head ends.If a player rolls a 6, they can move twice in a single turn. If a player rolls three consecutive 6's, they must return to the initial square and cannot move their token until they roll a 6 again. The player who reaches the final square is the winner.There is a variation where, if a player is six or fewer squares away from the end, they must roll precisely the number needed to reach it. If the number rolled exceeds the number of remaining squares, the player cannot move.


If the player falls on the bottom of a ladder, they move up to the top square where the ladder ends.

If the player lands on a square where the tail of a snake starts, they go down to a lower square where the headis located.





The mind is a flow of thoughts, much like how a river is the flow of water. What is the ideal state of the mind?



What is faith?What is the role of faith in the game of life?



Should winning be the goal of the Game of Life? Why or Why not?What are some potential side effects of having success as your goal of life?



In the fight between Jatayu and Ravana, who won?



What are the 3 basic textures of the mind? (Hint: Kung Fu Panda - Po, Shifu and Ooguay each personify one of the textures of the mind)



What are the foundational rules of Sanatana Dharma? (These are rules for everyone in the Game of Life)

