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By: Rachel Hernandez

IPR Best Practice CampaignPresentation

  • While Ukraine was under attack, this campaigns goal was to provide safe and secure shelter to Ukrainans who have lost their homes.
  • This campaign was brought to action in 2022, the start of the war. This PR practice was executed all thoughout Eastern Europe since the start of the attack.

Airbnb's: For Ukraine Campaign

Airbnb's Background on Client Organization

  • Airbnb all started in 2008 in San Diego, California. Thoughout the past few years, Airbnb has become popular to people worldwide in booking temporary housing. Hosts who offer their homes on this platform make it possible for guests to connect with communities and have a plesent place to stay during their trip.
  • The platform decided to expand its reach and offer a helpful resource at the time when Ukraine went under attack in 2022. Airbnb created the "For Ukraine Campaign" which is a service offering "help houses". This was to give safe shealter and also collected donations to help the people of Ukraine in their time of need. This organization has helped about 100,000 people who are trying to find a secure place to stay during the war.

Ukraine's Profile

Families tend to be small with an average of two children. While extended relatives do not usually live together, they often live in the same area. Fathers are known to be responsible for the financial state of the family while working outside the home. Mothers take care of the household and children. Cultural institutions are normally a popular place for people to gather in.

Social Structure

Facebook is known to be the primary used media in Ukraine. The internet penetration rate stood at 79.2% for the total population in 2023. However between the years of 2022 and 2023, internet users decreased by 16.8%.

Mass Media

Ukraine has a mixed economic system in which there is a limited private freedom, combined with centralized economic planningand government regulation. This is all ran by the Chief of State: President Volodymyr Zelenskyy. Since the war, the inflation has gone up by 20.18% (2022). As of today, the country is ranked a D because of the conflict with Russia affecting territorial integrity. Not to mention it's declining demographics, regional inequalities featuring poverty.

Politcal + Ecomonic System

Edwards's Hall's High-and Low Framwork:Context:Ukraine is under a high-context communication culture meaning they rely heavily on contextual cues, non-verbal communication, and shared experiences. The value of indirect communication and place are important on understanding the context of their messages.Communication Style:Ukrainians may prefer indirect communication and sensitive to unspoken nuances in conversations. Politeness and the avoidance of confrontation are often highly valued in their culture.Relationships:Building relationships is crucial in the Ukrainian culture and trust and familiarity develop over time and go along way. Their personal connections may influence communication dynamics. For example, non-verbal cues and gestures play a significant role in expressing their emotions.

Hofstede's Five Dimensions:

  • Power Distance: Moderate, respecting authority but expecting some distribution of power.
  • Individualism vs. Collectivism: Leans towards collectivism, emphasizing strong family and community ties.
  • Masculinity vs. Femininity: Moderately masculine, with acknowledgment of both traditional gender roles and nurturing values.
  • Uncertainty Avoidance: Relatively high, preferring clear rules and structured situations.
  • Long-Term Orientation: A mix of short-term and long-term orientation, balancing tradition with adaptability.

Edward Hall’s High- and Low-Context communication framework + Hofstede’s five dimensions of culture.

Cultural Profile Of Ukraine

What makes Airbnb's: For Ukraine Campaign a best practice?

  • Upholds Airbnb's reputation of wanting to branch out in places that are in desperate need and makes them seem dependable in a time of crisis.
  • Their idea inspires other campaigns to go a similar route with creating something like this that will further benefit other platforms and countries.
  • Building Durable Relationships
Strength: Emphasis on high-context communication allows development of strong personal connections over time that fosters trust and loyalty.Strategic Alignment: Investing in relationship-building can lead to long-term partnerships and collaborations, essential in Ukrainian culture.
  • Balancing Adaptability + Cultural Traditions
Strength: The mix of short-term and long-term orientation allows for an appreciation of tradition alongside a willingness to adapt.Strategic Alignment: Organizations can strategically blend established practices with innovation, appealing to the cultural preference for both stability and progress.
  • Effective Negotiation + Diplomacy
Strength: Indirect communication and the avoidance of confrontation contribute to a diplomatic communication style.Strategic Alignment: In negotiations, adopting a diplomatic approach and focusing on building consensus can lead to more positive outcomes.
  • Resilience in Uncertain Situations
Strength: High uncertainty avoidance can lead to a preference for structured situations and clear rules.Strategic Alignment: Providing clear guidelines and support during times of uncertainty can enhance organizational resilience and employee confidence.
  • Adaptability in Interpersonal Communication
Strength: Recognition of both traditional masculinity and nurturing values allows for adaptability in interpersonal communication.Strategic Alignment: Tailoring communication styles to resonate with a diverse audience can enhance engagement and understanding.

By embracing and understanding these strengths, individuals and organizations can approach interactions in Ukraine with mutual understanding and effective cooperation. This makes it a good opportunity to connect on a deeper level and build quality relationships.

Communicative and strategical strengths that align with Ukraine

Considering the war that has happened in Ukraine there has been a lack of significant resources with the biggest factor of housing. A specific advice I would provide to the campaign creators are to partner with successful HR businesses, NGOs, or government agencies to increase the reach and effectiveness of this campaign resource. These collaborative efforts can amplify the impact and increase additional resources. An idea of this can be a development of a platform that focuses on safety crisis management such as real-time alerts, resources for emergency situations, and connections to local support networks like Airbnb.

Discussion Recommendations

In conclusion to this analysis, the understanding Ukraine's high-context communication, collectivist values, and moderate power distance is crucial for international PR practitioners. For future practitioners in Ukraine, building authentic relationships, fostering collaboration, and effective negotiation align with cultural nuances. This highlights how the Success in campaigns such as "Airbnb: For Ukraine Campaign" depends on cultural adaptation, emphasizing effective communication and meaningful connections within Ukraine's unique cultural context. From this assignment I can takeaway how thinking outside the box and being creative with these new innovations can help make a positive change in these countries and provide a relief that can help keep the country in a decent standing.


Discussion Questions

1. How can international PR practitioners balance the cultural emphasis on high-context communication and the need for clear + direct messaging in their campaigns? (Especially when working in countries like Ukraine).2. What practical steps can campaign creators take to incorporate International community engagement + collaboration with local businesses?


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