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Escalation routes

Knowledge Check

Escalation Steps

Escalation Routes


The following slides will guide you through what is needed and how to handle a case/call that needs to be escalated.

We always want to use any available macros and/or quick texts to update the case feed along with our Members if need be. The notes we provide over to the next team to handle the case/call will be what allows them to fully understand what is going on and any next steps.

Whenever a case requires urgent attention or when a Customer’s experience is at risk, we escalate the case to the relevant queue so that the team handling the specific workflow can immediately action the case.


If you identify a case that is an Urgent or Critical priority, make sure to raise it using your escalation routes.

Always review the case carefully and use your judgment and the context of the Customer/Member’s sentiment to identify the priority for each case. We should always advocate for the Customers'/Members’ experience.

Always make sure to leave HIP-inspired notes in the case before escalating them. Use Quick Text: Escalations to draft these.

Escalation Routes

To distinguish each escalation and make sure it reaches the right team, we have created different queues within SFDC. A different team manages each queue, and we should ensure we escalate the cases to the correct queue.

All time-sensitive and urgent cases should be handed over to Support Staff, live in Basecamp or via a phone call.

If a Customer or Member requests to speak with a supervisor/manager, we get them a supervisor/manager right away. No questions asked.

Points to be aware of:

If needed, based on the scenario, flag to Support staff live in BC and/or Slack for visibility.

Move the case to the corresponding Queue based on what team we need assistance from. Ensure that notes are left BEFORE changing the queue. If needed, based on the scenario, flag to Support Staff live in BC and/or Slack for visibility.


Step 4

Update the Priority to "High", "Urgent", or "Critical Escalation" based on the need.


Step 3

Change the case status to "Open".


Step 2

Leave a HIP note using the corresponding Quick Text. If none are available, use the Escalations Quick Text. Ensure that all necessary details are included; reason for escalation, steps taken, any offers/discounts made, and help needed from the next team.

HIP Note

Step 1
Once we have determined that the case/call needs to be escalated, we should do the following:

Escalation steps

Always leave HIP-inspired notes.

If a Member requests a Supervisor/Manager, get them one right away!

If the Member's experience is at risk, ESCALATE!

Immediately flag any Health, Safety, Legal issues to your Support Staff live in BC.

If the Member has had 2+ RMAs, ESCALATE!

What you've learned today

Knowledge Check



Question 1 of 2

If a Customer or Member requests to speak with a supervisor/manager, we Never get them a supervisor/manager right away.


Question 1 of 2


If a Customer or Member requests to speak with a supervisor/manager, we get them a supervisor/manager right away. No questions asked.



Question 2 of 2

Always make sure to leave HIP inspired notes in the case before escalating them. Use Quick Text: Escalations to draft these.


Question 2 of 2


Always make sure to leave HIP inspired notes in the case before escalating them. Use Quick Text: Escalations to draft these.
