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Project your skills











AuthenticityOVER ALL

over all Authentic assessment is key to develop relevant skills and prepare for future study and work. Formative Summative

Feeding learning

see it, be it, believe it



Keep connected

Practice makes permanent

(Self) Regulations

Learning Loads!

Be Care-full

Co-designed and agreed with staff

Tightly knitted into OOL

Connected with HOW2

Used to devise ongoing and specific CPD.

Pillars of Learning

Learning and Teaching

Be Care-full

We will build our teaching practice on a bedrock of empathy ensuring that all involved feel safe, secure and valued



make effective use of tutorial time – use the recording system, either group or personal records

an awareness and understanding of all student support services available

We will

gather continuous feedback from students to inform future practice

understand the symbols on registers to ensure that the individual needs of students are met

have a clear input to the you said, we did process by actively engaging in the DGSee

Be Care-full

be empathetic in all our interactions with staff and students, considering why events and behaviours occur

have a clear understanding of the referral process including the use of positive referrals and use the system effectively


Be Care-full

(self) regulations

We recognise the importance of development of effective classroom techniques to create self-regulated environments, developing appropriate behaviours for learning



use and implement HOW2’s

be aware of continuous feedback from students and implement changes

We will

gather continuous feedback from students to inform future practice

be mindful of critical reflection and collaborative practice in learning and teaching

take part in the Observation of Learning process

(self) regulations

take part In professional discussions with other team members to standardise expectations from teaching teams / personal tutor role

uphold our GTCS registration and Professional Standards

foster effective work based behaviours in classroom management techniques


Learning Loads!

We will consciously develop practice which builds new learning into achievable chunks


Retrieval PracticeQuestioning

Cognitive Load TheoryConsolidation


make learning activities meaningful (Relevant to real life experiences)Enabling students to store and retrieve information effectively

use flexible learning and effective timetabling opportunities to fit learners needs(creative scheduling of lessons to suit class)

We will

consider attention span, memory and learning techniques when designing lessons(learning theories)

be adaptable in our delivery of learning materials to consolidate information

relate learning activities to career aspirations and home / life scenarios

Learning Loads!



Project your skills

Project based learning is a critical component to allow students to develop real world meta skills in real-world scenarios


spread the assessment workload throughout the year

We will

design activities that encourage collaborative learning and teaching

Project your skills

incorporate opportunities for students to use their research and analytical skills. create lessons that involve and apply to real world issues/scenarios(Enables students to consider implications, applications, link to theory/concepts, make comparisons, and evaluate their solutions)

link outcomes and units to reduce assessment, if possible. eg use project based learning and assessment techniques



Practice makes permanent

Guided Practice Varied Practice Spaced Practice


Independent PracticePressure Testing

use Theories of Learning and HOW2's to support learning/teaching and aid knowledge retention

utilise effective formative assessment methods (direct observation, mirroring realworld methodologies and processes)

We will

ensure students appreciate the additional learning provided by meta-skills:

  • social intelligence, time management

encourage the use of technology to adapt learning and teaching as well as assessment processes

encourage independent learning through research, problem solving, homework, self-directed skills, to foster confident learners

Practice makes permanent

use opportunities eg World-Skills, competitions, work placements, where possible, to enable students to gain real world experiences



Authenticity over all

Authentic assessment is key to develop relevant skills and prepare for future study and work.




have a sound knowledge of quality assurance systems used in the college and take part in all training

We will

provide a choice of assessment submission types to ensure equal opportunity for achievement:(presentation / written report / blog / video / digital / spoken / observed skills)

link our practice to GTCS Professional Standards

place the learner at the centre of their ‘Learning Journey’ and give them ownership over their learning

Authenticity over all

understand the purpose of learning outcomes and related assessment standards

link assessment outcomes to meta skills and learning for sustainability goals

integrate assessments to reduce assessment load(CPD Understanding Standards Events ie project based learning)

we will provide opportunities for students to apply their learning in real life to support assessment



Feeding learning

We recognise the importance of innovative and effective feedback techniques to enhance learning.




encourage groups discussions

use tutorials for recognition of positive feedback and feed-forward for learning and behaviour

We will

link feedback to meta-skills to encourage students to think about their learning journey

link feedback to learning outcomes of units / assessments relating to SCQF Levels

use HOW2’s to develop new techniques to provide peer feedback and formal feedback

use feedback in a positive way to support learners in their future journey

Feeding learning

participate in the Observation of Learning process to gain feedback to inform our practice



See it, be it, believe it!

We believe that embedded experiences of work are critical in enhanced skill development and motivation to achievement


include real life examples from industry experiences /work placement

where appropriate link teaching and learning to legislation and law

We will

relate to meta-skills and personal development

recognise and celebrate achievement

understand progression and pathways through education and into employment to support learners

understand student goals to provide support plan(s) for progression (both academic and personal) (progression and planning: to workplace/further education)

See it, be it, believe it!



We will motivate our students by providing additional experiences and ensure progress and achievement is regularly recognised



engage with employers, higher education, business development, self employment, future planninglinks with industry and future options

recognise student success and learning through positive referrals

We will

place the learner at the centre of their ‘Learning Journey’ and ensure they have ownership over their journey

celebrate student success through Graduation Ceremonies and Student Awards

gather case studies of current and previous students and their journey(s)

recognise and share good practice of teaching and learning with colleagues




Keep connected

We will ensure our delivery is digitally enriched to enhance access to learning and ensuring students can keep connected to learning and each other.


embed and adapt new technology in teaching and learning, where appropriate

We will

make use of digital tools of industry standards that can be applied to the real world (adaptive technologies)

ensure your delivery materials (technology and software) is accessible to all

link to GTCS professional standards(ensuring skills and technology (software and hardware) are up to date)

Keep connected

help our students to remain connected to their learning by being flexible and providing a variety of activities

be aware of the availabilty of emerging technologies

utilise theories of learning which embed digital technology as part of learning

make use of CPD opportunities(reflection in PRD, professional update GTCS and future proofing teaching and learning)

Keep connected


Thank you for participating

Phil Storrier Executive Director of Student Experience Email: storrierp@dumgal.ac.uk

You can talk to me anytime about ideas, and actions or just have a chat. I'm Here for you, to help you act with courage. I'll do my best to deliver on my promises and unite us to succeed.