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V is for Vampire

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Ed valdemar




She is Don's sister and manager at Ballentine's. She starts to fall in love for Victor as the story goes on

The brutal murder of Ballantine's, hired at the deaths of George and Anne, who will hinder the developememnt of Ballantine's

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In an indeterminated past lived a famous fashion house , in London. Sadly the owners of ballantin's died in a brutal accident in a plane, so they became the directors their children. The house took bad turn when Viktor entered in Ballantine's, a cruel vampire...



Ed Valdemar, the lawyer who suspects everything of viktor's brutalities, who will save the ballantine's fashion house.

London is the city where the new story take place, where it all begins, is also the city where Ballantine's is located, an important part, one of the mains of this story.

Barcelona is the city of their honeymoon, Viktor and Angie can't choose a beatiful city like it, is here where Viktor will wake up thanks to the police sirens, and finally punished.

In an undeterminated past, lived an important famous fashion house, Ballantine's. The activities of Ballantine's change when accidentally the owners, died in a plane crash. Viktor a brutal vampire was hired at Ballantine's. The real identity of viktor was a vampire, Who started quickly at kill ballantine's workers to take over the leader's positions. Luckily, the story for Viktor take a bad turn when the lawyer Ed Valdemar discover something about Viktoor and started to follow him sneaky sneaky... Ed Valemar slowly became the detective who will unmask Viktor, Finally!!

V is for Vampire

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