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virtual reality

Maïa and ilo

Pros and cons

Different areas

Key features

Origins and creator


Different types


Key features

The user thinks that he's physically present in the real world while being in a virtual environment
  • Fast and interactive => realistic, close to the world
  • Immersive experience => vibrations, sounds...

Origins and creator


  • adapted for gaming and other entertainment purposes, but usage in other sectors like education
  • the user needs the proper VR glasses or a head mount display
  • high-resolution content
  • used often for educational or training purposes
  • partially virtual environment
  • allows users to remain connected to their physical surroundings
  • provides realism through through 3D graphics, a term known as vertical reality depth
  • used in everiday life
  • allows the user to stay aware of and keep control of their physical environment
  • rely on a computer or video game console, display, and input devices like keyboards, mice, and controller

Fully Immersive Virtual Reality

Semi-Immersive Virtual Reality

The different types of VR

Non-Immersive Virtual Reality

Different areas




Video games

  • immersive learning
  • safe training environment reducing the risk of injury and equipment damage
  • customizable simulations and repeatable scenarios
  • detailed performance data
  • motion sickness, disorientation, or eye strain
  • social isolation and reduce awareness of the physical surroundings
  • expensive
  • desensitize users to violence and blur the line between reality and simulation

Pros and cons