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Where have you seen decimals?

Where have YOU seen decimals?

a picture created by putting together small colored pieces of stone, tile, or glass.

What is a mosaic?

One Tiny Piece

What is an estimate, as a fraction, for ONE part of the entire mosaic?

What fraction of the whole picture is a single square tile?

Place Value Chart - Whole Numbers

Place Value Chart - Whole Numbers and Decimals

What do you know about one thousandth?

What do you know about one hundredth?

What do you know about one tenth?

What Do You Know About Tenths, Hundredths, and Thousandths?

What are some ways to represent one tenth?

What Do You Know About Tenths?

What are some ways to represent one hundredth?

What would be challenging about representing one hundredth with a drawing or diagram?

What Do You Know About Hundreths?

Slides are CC BY NC Kendall Hunt Publishing. Curriculum excerpts are CC BY Illustrative Mathematics

What are some ways to represent one thousandth?

What would be challenging about representing one thousandth with a drawing or diagram?

What Do You Know About Thousandths?

This grid represents one. What does the shaded region represent? Be prepared to explain your reasoning!

Represent Numbers on a Hundredths Grid

This grid represents one. What does the shaded region represent? Be prepared to explain your reasoning.

Represent Numbers on a Hundredths Grid

How many of the small rectangular pieces (one of them is shaded) are there in the unit square? Explain or show your thinking.

Represent Numbers on a Hundredths Grid

The number can also be written in decimal form as 0.001. Like the fraction, we call it "one thousandth."

Represent Numbers on a Hundredths Grid

How do you think you would write as a decimal?

What are some different ways that you can represent one thousandth?

Today we represented one tenth, one hundredth, and one thousandth in different ways. What are some different ways that you can represent one tenth? What are some different ways that you can represent one hundredth?

What is One Thousandth?

What did you learn about one thousandth? What do you still wonder about one thousandth?

Exit Ticket

Raise your hand and stay on mute until the teacher calls on you.

Be responsible.Be respectful.Be awesome!

Use your microphone and chat box to ask or answer questions.
Ask questions if you don't understand something.
Try your best.
Turning on your camera is encouraged!

Come to class on time.

Class Norms