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Welcome 6th graders!

A journey soon begin through Social Science experiences!

Introduction to Science

Common and scientific

Common name: It is any name by which a species is known. They are used locally and may vary by region or country. Scientific name: These are unique names used by the scientific community to identify species accurately and universally. Also called binomial name, it is the formal name and the same all over the world, regardless of the language in use.

Welcome 6th graders!

A journey soon begin through Social Science experiences!

Common and scientific

Each organism usually has a common name, which is the name people use in everyday life, and a scientific name, which follows a system of binomial nomenclature established by taxonomy.

Welco me 6th gradrs!

A journey soon begin through Social Science experiences!

Common Names:

Definition: Common names are the proper names of the place or country of birth or popular names that people use on a daily basis to refer to organisms.

Welcome 6th graders!

A journey soon begin through Socal Science experiences!

Scientific Names:

Definition: Scientific names are standardized names, usually in Latin, that are used internationally to identify and classify organisms.

Welcome 6th graders!

A journey soon begin through Social Science experiences!

Uses of Common and Scientific Names:

Welcome 6th graders!

A journey soon begin through Social Science experiences!


This is where you'll discover the wonders of our planet. From rocks and minerals to weather patterns and the water cycle, Earth science helps us understand the world we call home.

It is common for a common name to be associated with several scientific names, as taxonomy evolves and adjusts with new research and discoveries. In addition, some organisms may not have a widely accepted or recognized common name.

Welcome 6th graders!

A journey soon begin through Social Science experiences!

Let's practice

Welcome 6th graders!

A journey soon begin through Social Science experiences!

Let's practice

Welcome 6th graders!

A journey soon begin through Social Science experiences!

Let's practice

Welcome 6th graders!

A journey soon begin through Social Science experiences!

Let's practice

Welcome 6th graders!

A journey soon begin through Social Science experiences!

Let's practice

Welcome 6th graders!

A journey soon begin through Social Science experiences!

Great job!

See you next time

6TH-COMMON AND SCIENTIFIC-EN © 2023 by CASURID is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0

SC.6.L.15.1 Analyze and describe how and why organisms are classified according to shared characteristics with emphasis on the Linnaean system combined with the concept of Domains.