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Berlin Airlift Airplane Competition

The Berlin Airlift

Modern History Club

Please enjoy some team photos

The Competition

The results are in. Well done and congratulations to all participaters. It was an excellent flight fight. The winners are:Furthest distance flown: Team Storm and their plane 'Thunder Bolt'Closest to Berlin Airport: Hornet 13Best Design mentions:Rumi Lol AmericaFreedom Machine Rambo

Students were tasked with making the best paper airplane they could to win possible points spanning over three catagories:1. Furthest distance flown2. Best Design3. Additional points for landing in the small space of Berlin Airport

The Results:

This term in Modern History Club we have been continuing our Cold War topic and have learned about the Berlin Blockade and Airlift in Germany from 1948 - 1949. Here the USSR blocked the allies from using Soviet road and railways to get supplies to west German citizens and so the West had to rely on three air corridors to transport goods for 11 months. One plane landed at Berlin Airport every minute!