Multiplicative Comparison Choice Board
3-5 Math
Created on January 31, 2024
4th Grade Multiplicative Comparison Choice Board
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Write it Out
Solve the Problem
Create a Word Problem
Scavenger Hunt
Partner Game
Draw It!
Equation Match
This is Real Life!
Choose 3 to complete
Draw It!
Seven times as many as two.
Three times as many as three.
Two times as many as six.
Click the pen to start drawing!
When you are finished click the house go back to the home page
Create drawings to represent the multiplication comparisons.
Equation Match
Drag an expression from the answer bank to the diagram it matches.
Six times as many as five.
Four times as many as three.
Six times as many as four.
When you are finished click the house go back to the home page
Two times as many as five.
Answer Bank:
This is Real Life!
What are some real life examples of times as many?
When you are finished click the house go back to the home page
Click the emoji to go to the padlet.
Name some real-life examples of multiplication comparisons.Is there a time someone has 3 times more than someone else? 5 times more? 2 times more? What is it that they have? Where do we see this in real life? Name 3 examples.
If you would like to show real-life examples with pictures or record your answer with audio, post on the padlet under "This is Real Life!."
Partner Game
How to play:1. Partner 1 creates a set of connecting cubes using between 2 and 6 cubes and shows Partner 2. 2. Partner 2 rolls the dice. The number on the dice is how many times as many as the set of cubes your partner has that you need to create. For example, if partner 1 makes a set of 2 cubes and you roll a 6 on the dice, then you create a set of cubes that show 6 times as many as 2. 3. Write down the multiplication equations that you create on your whiteboard and save them to share. Or you can use the padlet to write them down under the "Partner Game" section. 4. Switch roles so partner 1 now does step 2 and partner 2 now does step 1. 5. Repeat the steps 3 more times.
When you are finished click the house go back to the home page
You need connecting cubes to play this game.
Click on the dice to roll!
Click the emoji to go to the padlet.
Create a Word Problem
When you are finished click the house go back to the home page
If you would like an option to record an audio response, please post it on the padlet under "Create a Word Problem."
Click the emoji to go to the padlet.
Scavenger Hunt
When you are finished click the house go back to the home page
Instead of using connecting cubes, what objects in your house can you find and use to show the comparisons below? Can you make a new comparison?
Seven times as many as five.Four times as many as four. Five times as many as three.Three times as many as six. If you would like to take a picture and share what you made, please use the padlet. You can post the pictures under the "Scavenger Hunt" section on the padlet. If you are not sharing on the padlet, use the answer box below to tell us what objects you used.
Click the emoji to go to the padlet.
Solve a Word Problem
When you are finished click the house go back to the home page
Solve the word problems on this page.
Write It Out
Write the equation that matches the comparison. Then solve the equation.
Click the pen to start writing!
When you are finished click the house go back to the home page
Example: Two times as many as 3 is ______.Your equation would be: 2x3=6
Five times as many as four is ________.Equation: _____________
Two times as many as nine is ________.Equation: _____________
Seven times as many as five is ________.Equation: _____________