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Become a paleontologist's assistant and investigate sauropod fossils!



Lab Prep


Set up the Fossil Find Assignment for tomorrow if you are planning to participate.

Field Trip


Check out this virtual field trip to the National Museum of Natural History!

Pour the remaining dry sand over the fossils until they're covered. Let dry for at least 2 hours.

Step 9

Fill the plastic graduated cup to 60 mL with plaster of Paris.

Step 6

Locate the graph paper on page 37 of the workbook. Set it near the box. You will need it for the assignment on Friday.

Step 3

Pour the plaster mixture onto the sand mix with the craft stick. You, or a partner, should arrange the 3 fossils into the wet sand-plaster mixture.

Collect plastic graduated cup, plaster of Paris, craft stick, fossils, remaining sand, and water

Step 5

Locate the flat box and sand.Open the box and carefully remove the foam piece. Save the foam for a later activity.

Step 2

Slowly add water to the cup until it reaches 90 mL. Stir with the craft stick until well mixed.

Step 7

Pour one and a half bags of sand into the bottom of the box.

Step 4

Gather Materials:Beneath Our Feet KitBeneath Our Feet Student Workbook

Step 1

Fossil find prep


Step 8

Click here for a science teacher demo!

Field Trip


Click here to take a video tour of the National Museum of Natural History


Click here to walk through the National Museum of Natural History


An awesome subtitle here




Click here to become a paleontologist's assistant