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Westward Expansion choice board

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expert interview



social media

ted talk


+ted talk





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+social media

a TED Talk about rapid urbanization and its challenges using WeVideo

Write & Perform

+ More InformationPart II

+ More InformationPart I

Your TED Talk should include the following:

  • Causes of Rapid Urbanization
    • Clearly identifies and explains the economic, social, and environmental causes of rapid urbanization.
    • Include appropriate graphics/images, maps, etc.
  • Challenges of Rapid Urbanization
    • Clearly identifies one problem related to rapid urbanization as it relates to North Texas. (Describe the problem, explain why rapid urbanization is causing this problem, compare the problem in North Texas to what you have learned in Sub-Saharan Africa, include appropriate graphics/images, maps, etc.)
For more information see part II

Your TED Talk should include the following:

  • Solution to Challenges of Rapid Urbanization
    • Create or identify a solution to the problem you have addressed
    • Describe your solution
    • Explain how your solution will solve the problem you identified
    • Include appropriate graphics/images, maps, etc.
    • What are unintended consequences (What is the cost? (who will pay?), What will people have to give up?, How will you convince people to support your solution?)

Present your idea to your teacher and how you will complete everything in the presentation rubric

have another idea?

a letter to a friend on paper or Google Docs.

write or type

1. Start your letter with a greeting, such as hi, hello, or the persons name (Does not have to be a real person)2. First paragraph - write a paragraph explaining what causes rapid urbanization - (Pre plan your paragraph on your student handout) 3. Second Paragraph - write a paragraph about a challenge and how it is caused by Rapid Urbanization 4. Third Paragraph, explain a solution that could help address the challenge (Pre plan your paragraph on your student handout) 5. Finish your letter with closing, such as Sincerely, Regards, Yours truly, or Your Friend

a newscast about rapid urbanization using WeVideo.

Write & Perform

More Info

Before you record, practice a couple of times to make sure you feel comfortable with your parts

Complete a couple of steps before you start videoing: 1. Create a map showing one of the rapidly growing cities of Africa and other appropriate graphics 2. Your news cast will have a format with a newscaster and three reporters a. Reporter 1 presents causes of rapid urbanization b. Reporter 2 presents challenges found in North Texas. c. Reporter 3 provides a solution to the problem found in North Texas. 3. Create a script on your student handout a. How will your newscaster introduce themself? b.Transition to Reporter c. Reporters 1- Causes d. Transition back to newscaster e. Transition to Reporter 2 - Challenge in North Texas f. Transition back to newscaster g. Reporter 3 - Solution h. Transition to Newscaster and end news cast.

a social media feed informing people about rapid urbanization using one of the templates below


+ More InformationPart II

+ More InformationPart I

You should have multiple posts that provides the information below.

  • Causes of Rapid Urbanization
    • Clearly identifies and explains the economic, social, and environmental causes of rapid urbanization.
    • Include appropriate graphics/images, maps, etc.
  • Challenges of Rapid Urbanization
    • Clearly identifies one problem related to rapid urbanization as it relates to North Texas. (Describe the problem, explain why rapid urbanization is causing this problem, compare the problem in North Texas to what you have learned in Sub-Saharan Africa, include appropriate graphics/images, maps, etc.)
For more post information see part II

You should have multiple posts that provides the information below.

  • Solution to Challenges of Rapid Urbanization
    • Create or identify a solution to the problem you have addressed
    • Describe your solution
    • Explain how your solution will solve the problem you identified
    • Include appropriate graphics/images, maps, etc.
    • What are unintended consequences (What is the cost? (who will pay?), What will people have to give up?, How will you convince people to support your solution?)

a podcast about rapid urbanization using WeVideo


+ More InformationPart II

+ More InformationPart I

You will use a podcast format that will include two hosts and two guests, your podcast should include

  • An introduction of the two hosts and the name of your podcast (connect name to urbanization or rapid urbanization.
  • Hosts - discuss Causes of Rapid Urbanization
  • Clearly identify and explain the economic, social, and environmental causes of rapid urbanization.
Go to Part II to see what each guest will do

  • Guest 1 - Challenges of Rapid Urbanization
    • Clearly identify one problem related to rapid urbanization as it relates to North Texas. (Describe the problem, explain why rapid urbanization is causing this problem, compare the problem in North Texas to what you have learned in Sub-Saharan Africa)
  • Guest 2 - Solution to Challenges of Rapid Urbanization
    • identify a solution to the problem you have addressed
    • Describe your solution
    • Explain how your solution will solve the problem you identified
    • What are unintended consequences (What is the cost? (who will pay?), What will people have to give up?, How will you convince people to support your solution?)

a website that explains causes of rapid urbanization, challenges presented, and one solution to a specific challenge


Website Options

an interview with an "expert" on rapid urbanization using WeVideo.

Write & Perform

+ More InformationPart II

+ More InformationPart I

Your interview should include questions and answers using the information below.

  • Causes of Rapid Urbanization
    • Clearly identifies and explains the economic, social, and environmental causes of rapid urbanization.
    • Include appropriate graphics/images, maps, etc.
  • Challenges of Rapid Urbanization
    • Clearly identifies one problem related to rapid urbanization as it relates to North Texas. (Describe the problem, explain why rapid urbanization is causing this problem, compare the problem in North Texas to what you have learned in Sub-Saharan Africa, include appropriate graphics/images, maps, etc.)
For more information see part II

Your interview should include questions and answers using the information below.

  • Solution to Challenges of Rapid Urbanization
    • Create or identify a solution to the problem you have addressed
    • Describe your solution
    • Explain how your solution will solve the problem you identified
    • Include appropriate graphics/images, maps, etc.
    • What are unintended consequences (What is the cost? (who will pay?), What will people have to give up?, How will you convince people to support your solution?)