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Looking After Ourselves: Our Ask

What you need to do

Recording sickness correctly

Make sure you call up and let us know if you're not feeling well and you're unable to work

What you need to do

Involve your manager

Your manager can help support you with elements such as our wellness packs

What you need to do

Use People & Culture

We are here to help so get in touch if you're in need of support

What you need to do

Book your Annual Leave

Make sure you take time off to reset and recharge!

What you need to do

Use the resources provided

We have a whole Hub of resources to keep you healthy, safe and well!

It's really important that you let us know if you're unable to work. We understand that sickness is inevitable but telling us in the right time and the right way helps us to manage our customers and support you better!

Recording sickness correctly

What do you need to do

Looking After Yourself

  • Call up your manager as early as possible, we'd rather have a call than a text or email as we want to make sure you're ok!
  • When you return you'll chat to your manager and make sure your sickness was recorded accurately

Looking After Yourself

On our Health Hub there are loads of resources to help you look after yourself; from Employee Assistant Programmes, free massages, Mental Health First Aiders- we have a great offering to keep you safe and well!

Use the resources we've provided

  • Spend some time familiarising yourself with the Health Hub and what we offer
  • Sign up to YuLife to support your phsyical, mental and financial wellbeing
  • Follow the Safe and Well Channel on OneThrive

Looking After Yourself

Having a great relationship with your line manager is a key way to stay healthy and safe. They are trained to support and look after you and they know what resources and support we can provide.

Involve your manager

  • Booking in regular catch ups (Chinwags) with your manager will give you a chance to build a strong relationship and help put things in place to support your wellbeing and safety

Looking After Yourself

We are first and foremost a support service to help all colleagues be able to do their best work. This means we have a responsibility to help you stay well.

The People and Culture Team

  • We can signpost you to specialist support services such as Occupational Health or Employee Assistance Programmes to help where needed.
  • We will monitor sickness absence and help create plans with your manager to ensure your safe and secure return to work
  • We listen and improve our service so if something isn't right - tell us and we'll work to improve it!

Looking After Yourself

We have a generous annual leave offering that gets better and better with every year you are with us. We want you to use it!

Book your annual leave

  • Work with your manager to plan our effective days and time off to give you breaks when you need them most.
  • Request all your annual leave through Cascade but please don't book anything until the time has been approved.
  • If you want more days, you can use your Flexpot Benefit to purchase more annual leave to make sure you are making the most of your time off!