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Civil engineering is concerned with the built environment, essentially human-made structures that comprise our schools, hospitals, water and power supply, roads and railways and more. Civil engineers play a part in different stages of an engineering project, from design and planning to site investigation. Civil engineers also take on the role of project manager, overseeing the lifecycle of a project from start to finish.

Where civil and mechanical engineering applies the principles of maths and physics to solve problems, chemical engineers also apply chemistry. Chemical engineers are employed to develop processes and improve production; they’re a valuable asset to the field of engineering and have helped to develop things that we use every day, such as pharmaceutical drugs, fertilisers, food and more!

Mechanical engineering involves designing, producing and controlling machinery. Mechanical engineers are pioneers in the field and are responsible for creating the world around us. Those who pursue a career in this field must be adaptable, have strong attention to detail, and know how to solve problems.