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Thrive Homes will act where Thrive colleagues and those who work on our behalf find there is evidence or suspicion of abuse of its customers. Thrive’s primary role in safeguarding is as an ‘alerter’.

Safeguarding Policy & Proceudre

This policy outlines the tenancy types offered by Thrive Homes, the approach to managing tenancies including transfers and mutual exchanges, the approach to granting discretionary succession of atenancy and the way in which a customer or prospective customer may request a review about thetenancy they have been granted

Tenure Policy

This policy sets out Thrive Homes’ approach to empty homes management and maintenance, and the letting of empty properties.

Empty Homes & Letting Policy

Thrive have created a comprehensive Information Governance Policy Framework (IGPF) to ensure we fully comply with our legal obligations to manage the data we process.

Information Governance Policy

The maintenance of our housing stock and the implementation of our asset management strategy occasionally requires customers to move out of their homes.

Decant and Repurchase

‘Anti-Social Behaviour’ (ASB) can take many forms, ranging from noise nuisance, criminal damage, verbal abuse and other types of criminality. This policy establishes Thrive Homes role in tackling ASB.

ASB Policy

Respecting Our Customers & Colleagues

Thrive Homes have duties to ensure, so far as reasonably practicable, the health, safety, and welfare at work of colleagues, consultants and contractors working in and on our properties

Health, Safety and Wellbeing

This policy outlines how Thrive Homes maximises the collection of all income sources across all tenure types for current and former customers

Income Protection Policy

Thrive Homes acknowledges its duty to provide and maintain a safe place to work.

Neighbourhood Management

We want our services to be good, but we recognise that sometimes things go wrong, and customers will want to let us know.

Complaints Policy

Staff Protection Policy

This policy is concerned with the effective management of the shared communal areas around Thrive Homes properties to ensure our properties are safe, attractive and well-maintained places to live

We want to create a working environment for colleagues and an experience for everyone that’s professional and respectful.


t is our policy to ensure, as far as reasonably practicable, that our operations and services are conducted in such a manner as to prevent harm or injury to our employees or any persons acting on behalf of Thrive Homes.

What does this policy Say?

Staff Protection


This policy outlines the tenancy types offered by Thrive Homes, the approach to managing tenancies including transfers and mutual exchanges, the approach to granting discretionary succession of a tenancy and the way in which a customer or prospective customer may request a review about the tenancy they have been granted. This policy applies to all social rent properties which includes those properties let at an affordable and intermediate rent. Allocations for properties which are not considered to be social rent (for example market rent, rent to home buy or shared ownership) are outside the scope of this policy.

What does this policy say?

Tenure Policy


This policy relates to any tenant or homeowner required to vacate their current home to facilitate The Decant & Repurchase Policy aims to provide an efficient, fair, and clear approach to balancing the tenant’s move to temporary or permanent homes while facilitating evacation of the properties to enable works to proceed.

What does this policy cover?

Decant & Repurchase


We aim to be open and honest with our customers, so we’ve outlined the service that you can expect from Thrive and what we expect in return from our customers in our offer and ask statements. You can access these at thrivehomes.org.uk/thrivedeal When we deal with complaints, we want to be fair, put things right if we have done wrong, and learn from our mistakes. We take customer feedback seriously and use it to shape our services

What does this policy Say?

Complaints Policy


Thrive Homes has a contractual relationship with current customers which sets out the type and frequency of charges to be raised and time scales for payments due. All customers will be expected to pay in line with the terms of their tenancy or lease with Thrive Homes.Customers may additionally be required to make payment for services offered at a cost by Thrive Homes, or in respect of the recovery of costs incurred due to a breach of tenancy or lease conditions. An additional administrative charge related to these costs may also be applied

What does the policy say?

Income Protection


It explains our approach to managing the communal areas; how we will involve residents in managing and improving our blocks and how we will work in partnership with other agencies concerned with the safety, security and appearance of the communal areas.

What does this policy say?

Neighbourhood Management


This policy outlines Thrive Homes approach to maintaining a positive health, safety, and wellbeing culture and to ensure we meet our obligations as identified under the HASAWA 1974 and all otherrelevant acts, regulations, and codes of practice. By doing this, we aim to mitigate any health and safety risks and ensure the wellbeing of our colleagues.As a landlord, Thrive aims to ensure that the properties for which we have responsibility are constructed, maintained and operated to a standard which avoids any health and safety risk to customers, workers, contractors, consultants and visitors.Thrive Homes will create a work culture that takes health, safety and wellbeing matters seriously andwill provide dedicated specialist resources to champion health, safety, and wellbeing across the business

What does this policy say?

Health, Safety & Wellbeing


The UK General Data Protection Regulations purpose is to protect the “rights and freedoms” of natural persons (i.e., living data subjects) and to ensure that personal data is not processed without their knowledge, and, wherever appropriate, the personal data is processed with their consent. The law also sets stringent requirements to which organisations such as Thrive must adhere to in order to process and safeguard the data entrusted to them.

What does this policy Cover

Information Governance


To support this, we have defined, as best we can, what we mean by respectful and professional conduct so that’s its clear and therefore easily understood.At times of pressure or tension, emotions can influence the way we engage with others or indeed theway others engage with us, this document aims to provide advice and tips on how we can de-escalate difficult situations, the support we have in place and how the incident should be reported.

What does this policy say?

Respecting our Customers & Colleagues


It covers issues of ASB, harassment, domestic abuse and hate crime and unless stated otherwise, it uses the term ASB to incorporate all of these acts.We take ASB seriously and aim to balance enforcement action and intervention with prevention. We adopt a supportive approach when dealing with victims (including domestic abuse survivors), witnesses and alleged perpetrators, and will be flexible in our approach to manage incidents, working in partnership with both internal and external partners to tackle the issues

What does this policy Cover?

ASB Policy


Thrive is responsible for reporting safeguarding concerns to the local authority. Each local authority will have its own safeguarding procedure. The local authority may also require Thrive to undertake enquiries on its behalf.

What does this policy Say?

Safeguarding Policy


The policy follows the Regulatory Framework’s consumer standards to demonstrate that we let homes in a fair, transparent and efficient way, make best use of our stock and work with our local authority partners to assist them in meeting their housing duty. his policy applies to all social rent properties which includes those properties let at an affordable and intermediate rent. Allocations for properties which are not considered to be social rent (for example market rent or shared ownership) are outside the scope of this policy

What does this policy say?

Empty Homes Policy