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Health, safety and legal issues

Knowledge Check
Health, Safety, Legal Workflow 2
Health, Safety, Legal Workflow 1



Throughout these procedures, we always avoid speculating or jumping to conclusions until we have all the facts available. These contacts or reports may feel alarming. Make sure to remain calm, focus on the Member, and acknowledge the concerns to demonstrate urgency. Reach out to your supervisor, trainer, or coach to notify them immediately of the report.

  • A Member writing in to tell us that their Tonal has started to separate from the wall after several months of training.
  • A customer called in to say that they believe there are fraudulent charges on their credit card from Tonal. If we do not address this immediately they are going to call an attorney!

Some examples include:

We have various policies in place to manage contacts related to health, safety, or legal (HSL) concerns. While these types of contacts are rare, any report of this nature is addressed with urgency and the highest priority.

In-House Team
  • Taking ownership of any health, safety, or legal escalations and managing Member-facing communications until a resolution is provided.
  • Escalating cases to the right contacts and with the right urgency for the reported situation.
  • Receiving first reports of potential health, safety, and legal contacts.
  • Marking the care priority checkbox.
  • Updating the case priority to critical escalation as soon as possible.
  • Capturing the Member’s experience and updating the case with detailed case notes.
  • Escalating cases through the right path and with the appropriate urgency for the reported situation.
Frontline Advocates

Health, safety, and legal workflow

Damaged Electrical Wire

Policy for Compromised Gas Pipe

Policy for Managing Unexpected Weight Behavior

Policy for Reported Injury

Policy for Tonal Disjoining from the Wall

Policy for Installation Correction

Damage Claims

Compromised Water Pipe During Installation

  • Email the Member using Macro: First Response for Report on Health, Safety, or Legal to set appropriate expectations.
    • DO NOT promise any compensation/refund to the Member. (This part of the workflow is handled by In-House.)
  • Prior to escalating the case, ensure that HIP notes are left and any related photos/videos are attached to the case.
    • Use the Quick Text: Potential Health, Safety, or Legal Case (First Response) to gather all the information.
  • Go to Basecamp to find a member of the Support Staff. DO NOT move on from the account until you have confirmed a handoff in Basecamp and the ownership of the case has transferred to a Lead Advocate, a Team Lead, or another member of Support Staff.
    • Support Staff should discuss all HSL cases in In-House Basecamp, live, with the In-House Team.

Health, safety, and legal workflow

Depending on the situation and the Customer's sentiment, consult with Support Staff if the case should be raised to the TO team.

When in doubt, raise a hand to your Support Staff in BC. They can help clarify and provide next steps if needed.

What if the scenario is not one listed on the table?

What if I'm unsure if I should escalate or not?

We should always leave our notes PRIOR to escalating the case to the corresponding queue. We should also move the case to OPEN status.

Should the notes be added after we've moved the case to the corresponding queue?


Quick Text: Potential Health, Safety, or Legal Case (First Response) to gather all the information.


Before escalating the case, make sure there are detailed notes in the case feed and any photos/videos shared by the Member are attached to the case.


The subject line of the case should reflect the true issue


The case priority should be updated to Critical Escalations.


Member’s personal account should have the Care Priority box checked.


What you've learned today

Knowledge Check

Frontline Advocates

Question 1 of 2

In-House Team

The role of the _____ _____ is to take ownership of any Health, Safety, or Legal Escalations and manage Member-facing communications until a resolution is provided.

Question 1 of 2



The role of the In-House Team is to take ownership of any Health, Safety, or Legal Escalations and manage Member-facing communications until a resolution is provided.


Question 2 of 2


WE ALWAYS promise compensation/refund to the Member. (This part of the workflow is handled by In-House.)

Question 2 of 2



WE DO NOT promise any compensation/refund to the Member. (This part of the workflow is handled by In-House.)

Try Again
