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Learning Theories




Cognitivism Major Characteristics

Cognitivism Theorists

Cognitivism Memory and learning

Behaviorism Major Characteristics

Behaviorism Theorist

Behaviorism memory and learning

Constructivism Theorists

Constructivism major characteristics

Constructivism memory and learning

Cognitivism Theorists

Learning is internal, processed and organized. This was developed by theorists such as:

Jean Piaget Plato Descrates

(Codington-Lacrete,C, 2023)

Believe material is learned, remembered, and understood with a positive reienforcement behind. Founded by Edward Thorndike and extended by John B. Watson through Pavlov's dog experiment (Funk & Wagnalls, 2018).

Behaviorism Theorist

Edward Thorndike John B Watson

Types of Learning:

  • Classroom routines and procedures
  • Call and response activities
  • Foundational skils in lower grades

Behaviorism memory and learning

The learning happens when there is an observerable change in student's behavior from an experience. Memory is not often mentioned with this theory as more of a focus is placed on habits formed and retained first and then further higher learning can happen (Funk & Wagnalls 2018).

Cognitivism Memory and Learning

The theorist saw the brain as something similar to a computer system. Students take in knowledge, organizing it into a framework and then passing it into their long-term memory (Codington-Lacerte, C, 2023). Students must remember and understand, then apply and evaluate the knowledge. Lastly create with the knowledge (Ornstein & HUnkins, 2016). Types of learning:

  • problem solving tasks
  • creating a timeline
  • create a learning game
  • perform the learning

Constructivism Theorists

The main theorists that believed that the learner is the key player, and that they are the one who creates meaning or understanding are Lev Vygotsky and Jean Piaget ( Western Governors University, 2020).


Characterized by student's interactions with their environment and postive reinforcements. Can be thought of as an extension to Pavlov's dog experiment, where positive behaviors and material is learned from postive encouraging language, and rewards (Western Governors University, 2020).


Cognitivism characterized by, learners being influenced by internal and external elements (Western Governors University, 2020). The brain is the information processor that receives, stores, and transmits learning (Codington-Lacerte, Celeste, 2023).


Characterized by students creating their own learning based on experience by making connections to their real world. This experience can be different from others. It is also characterized by two main strands, cognitive constructivism and social constructivism. Cognitive constructivism believes that learning is motivated by a want to feel balanced with prior experiences playing a role. Social constructivism places an emphasis on the role of culture, language, and social interaction.

References: Western Governors University. (2020). Five educational learning theories. https://www.wgu.edu/blog/five-educational-learning-theories2005.htmlWester Governors University. (2020). What is constructivism? http://www.wgu.edu/blog/what-constructivism2005.html

Constructivism memory and learning

Learning is truly taken in and stored when the student connects new learning with already existing learning (Ornstein & Hunkins, 2016). Learners are more likely to remember the lesson and knowledge if their own construction of it is personally meaningful to them. Types of learning

  • Project based learning
  • STEM
  • Cooperative Learning