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Hello! I'm Danna Oronoz

Positive Outlook I view obstacles as challenges, and set my sights on finding creative solutions. When in doubt, I seek advice and knowledge to find a way forward. I am always willing to pivot when something is not working as intended.

Creative Collaborator My strengths as an INFP personality type include open-mindedness, creativity, passion, empathy, and problem-solving. I collaborate well with colleagues, and emphasize sharing ideas, contributing equally, and feeling valued.

Hard-Worker Because I am detail-oriented and accomplishment-focused, I can be a great resource when taking on challenging tasks. Don't hesitate to reach out when you feel stumped! And remember, I can always come to you!

Welcoming When collaborating, I strive to create a welcoming atmosphere where all ideas can be shared and valued. I tend to take on the roles of mediator and analyst, helping to identify areas of improvement and keep things running efficiently.

Value-Driven As an INFP, I am driven by a deep sense of justice and fairness, and am constantly analyzing areas of need to work on. Equity of access, personalized and inclusive learning, and intellectual freedom are some of my top priorities.

Communication is Key I am a strong communicator who provides effective support which is tailored to the persons and situations involved. As an introvert, however, I may seem reserved at times. Do not hesitate to engage because I'm just reflecting!

One-Stop Shop Whether you're here to find your next favorite book, get assistance with research, or find a new tech tool to make your life easier, I'm here to help! Working with you is my goal, so interruptions are always welcome!

Lifelong Learner As someone with a great sense of wonder, I am always open to learning new things. I am an avid researcher, and love sharing research tips with others. In the library, I strive to share that knowledge-seeking passion with everyone.

"Teamwork Makes the Dream Work!" I love collaborating with others because I enjoy learning from them just as much as I enjoy sharing my knowledge with them. I'm always eager to work with you on lessons and find new ways to support your curriculum!

Valuable Support As your collaborative partner, I can coteach, assist with lesson planning, find tech tools to supplement your lessons, and even design and facilitate interdepartmental collaborative activities. Let's work together!