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Positive discipline is an approach to managing behaviour that focuses on teaching and reinforcing positive behaviours rather than relying on punishments.

What positive discipline could you use to deal with the following scenarios:

Students not listening to each other

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Students not listening to each other: Encourage students to share their thoughts in pairs or small groups, emphasizing the importance of valuing each other's ideas."Great discussion, everyone! Let's make sure we're giving each person a chance to share their thoughts.”


Students without their materials out

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Students without their materials out: Reinforce positive behaviour by acknowledging students who consistently come prepared. Consistently use a routine which includes getting materials out at the start of each class. "It's important to have our materials ready for class. Can we all take a moment to check if we have everything we need?”


Students Speaking L1

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Students Speaking L1:"If you share your thoughts in English, it will help all of us practice and improve."


Students Arriving late

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Students arriving late:Create a welcoming environment that values punctuality. "Welcome, everyone! For those who arrived on time, I'm glad you're here punctually. To make sure we don't miss any exciting activities, let's try to start on time."


Students Not Paying Attention:

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Students Not Paying Attention: "I see some distracted faces. X is doing a great job of paying attention, well done, you will know what to do next.”


Students Not Doing Homework:

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Students Not Doing Homework:"I understand we all have different challenges. If you're having trouble with the homework, please let me know. And for those who always do their homework, your effort doesn't go unnoticed. Keep it up!"
