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Campaign Impact on App Engagement

Winter Email

No. Unique Visitors Rises by 54%No. Brand New Users Rises by 791%Engagement with My Cover Details rises by 71%Engagement with SMR Content rises by 483%

* vs average performance for January 2024

15 Jan - App Impact*

12 Jan - App Impact*

Post Campaign Impact

15 Jan

12 Jan

No. Unique Visitors Rises by 3%No. Brand New Users Rises by 40%Engagement with My Cover Details rises by 20%Engagement with SMR Content rises by 314%

44% Rise in Unique Visitors per day32% rise in Brand New Users per day2% rise in Cover Details Engagement 75% rise SMR Clicks

Email sent to 965,388 recipientsOpen Rate: 56%Click-through Rate: 9%

Email sent to 731,533 recipientsOpen Rate: 54%Click-through Rate: 9%


15 Jan

15 Jan

12 Jan

12 Jan