Want to make creations as awesome as this one?





I tried many methods to get arounf this obstacle although i could not fool the shopify system .


This was when i was left with no choice but to seek help from an adult. I concluded that you are the perfect candidate for this as mama and baba would be too skeptical due to the aberration from the traditional money making methods and Lyna would be too pessimistic and sarcastic about my aspirations.

I have recently opened up a e-commerce store on shopify in which i will hope to sell winning products via the dropshipping method.

However i ran into an issue, during the set up of mt store i found out that i am not able to recieve shopify payments and the money i will make will be held until submit my details which include a section where i must be over the age of 18 with proof of ID.


I was doing some product research on what i think the best winning products in the ideal niche. This was when i realized that there is already products at home in which i can use to sell on my store.

Electric portable pn

Electric blender cup

What I will sell

I decided to take advantage of the things we already have therefore minimizing risk with no investments made on products

Although the free aspect gives me an advantage, it is not the only reason i chose these products and based my store around the kitchen niche is because it perfectly fit into my sucess criteria.1.Does it grab attention (wow factor)2. It is unique and cannot be commonly bought.3. Targets a specific niche4. Mass market appeal (large niche)5. solves a problem/adds value6. High perceived value7. Can be atleast a 2x mark up to maximize margins.

Why these products?

I request for my shopify store to be put in your name with your details so that we can meet the shopify regulations.In return you will earn a 15% royalty on a monthly basis for as long as the store is active.


Any questions?