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Use your Outlook Calendar to stay organized

Outlook Calendar


Your navigation pane will be located either on the left-hand side on top, or across the bottom on the left. The icon is shaped like a small calendar, and should be on the navigation pane by default. Your calendar icon will show you a preview of the current month when you hover over it for a quick glance of your upcoming appointments. For more information, click the info button below.

Your calendar can be located in the Navigation Pane

Locating your Calendar

Click the flags to learn more

Combined View

Schedule View

Sunday - Saturday


Monday - Friday

Work Week

Individual Day


Different views work for different people.

Calendar Views

You can add a new meeting by clicking on "New Appointment" or "New Meeting" in the top left corner. "Appointments" are calendar blocks for only your calendar whereas "meetings" allow you to invite multiple users. You can invite users as either required or optional. You can also describe the nature of the meeting in the body of the invite. Details of the meeting can be changed by clicking on the drop boxes provided.To indicate that the meeting is online, you can either select "New Teams Meeting" instead of "New Meeting" in the Home tab, or you can set up a new meeting and select "Teams Meeting." Either of these will add a link to Microsoft Teams for your participants to click on.

Creating a new meeting or appointment

New Meetings

You can search for someone specific

Address Book

You can search by last or first name. The address book will pull up all matching people. You select the proper person, select "Calendar" and then "OK"

Adding calendars allows quick access

Add from Address Book

Your McKinney email address will automatically connect to the McKinney address book, allowing you to search and find anyone from the organization.

Adding a Calendar

"Can view titles and locations" means your coworkers will have access to the title of your meeting, such as "Training" or "Monthly Meeting""Can view all details" allows people to view title, time, location, meeting coordinator, and any details sent in the body of the meeting."Can edit" allows others to add meetings to your calendar automatically as opposed to making them send you a calendar invite and having you accept it. You may not be notified if meetings are added to your calendar without your knowledge.

You can choose what your organization can view. Your organization is the City of McKinney, and there are different permission levels.You can also grant permissions for specific people, such as supervisors or managers."None" means your organization does not have access to your calendar. This is not recommended."Can view when I'm busy" means your coworkers see blocked off times labeled "busy" or "working elsewhere"

Choose what your coworkers see

Calendar Sharing