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présentation du métier de pompier , mes impressions ,le tous en anglais ! faite vous plaisir


intership in a fire station



stucture of the station




skillls, qualities

what do you need to this job

what stood out to me


Today I'm going to introduce you to my internship in a company. I spent my internship in a fire station where they manages all the ones in the Loiret.


stucture of the station

-The head of the center controls all firefighters. -the leader is Captain Stephanie Murat-controls 55 Professionals Firefighters and 45 Volunteers Firefighters -All Firefighters are in different departments where they work when they are not on duty ;example, working on the maintenance of the fire station, response equipment or vehicles.


At the beginning of the day: -a gathering where the firefighters who are present for the day know their task; example, a firefighter must be assigned to a vehicle where he must take an inventory and check the equipment.-After the check, do 1 hour of compulsory sport.-do a manoeuvre that consists of training the firefighters and in the afternoon:- walk around the fire station to discover new services or vehicles.


-During one of the manoeuvres, we discovered how to lower a tree that had fallen due to a storm. There are two maneuvers that really stand out to me:- first time, the firefighters took us up into a tower filled with smoke to imitate a fire and then showed us how to extinguish it. - second, the firefighters made us climb the ladder and we all saw the inside of the reserve where they stored their vehicles.


timetablecheck-in 7:20 am; gathering7:30 a.m.; inventory7:40 a.m.; sport 8:30 a.m.; start of manoeuvre 10am; lunch, 12 noon break;gathering 2 p.m.; questions/work in the barracks 2:10 p.m.; Return home 4 p.m. .

skills / qualities

to be a good firefighter :-have a certain physical and moral condition to hold out during an intervention. - have to be courageous,-not have a particular phobia like blood, -be available often and be able to easily alternate between intervention and work in a department.

what do you need to this job

To be a firefighter,-one must pass a competitive examination to become a professional firefighter.Become a volunteer firefighter: -pass physical and mental tests.-can also become a professional firefighter by spending three years as a volunteer firefighter, and then you are offered to take the competitive exams to become a professional.

what stood out to me

What struck me:- the different manoeuvres I experienced during the week-the friendly atmosphere in the fire station 'cause all the firefighters welcomed me and answered my questions.


In conclusion,-I could make it my job because it is a job that is very useful - that I appreciate enormously thanks to my uncle, a firefighter, who made me discover the fire station where he worked when I was little. -that I like this job because everything happens very quickly during an intervention and that I appreciate this way of working.

thank you for listening