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Explanation of FAPE & LRE


What is FAPE and LRE?



  • IDEA states that Special Education and related services should be "provided at public expense, . . . and without charge"
  • Parents and families of children with disabilities cannot be charged for services that are to be provided under IDEA and that are needed for the child to benefit from his or her individually developed educational plan.


Murdick, N. L., Gartin, B. L., & Fowler, G. A. (2014). Special Education Law (3rd ed.). Pearson Education (US). https://mbsdirect.vitalsource.com/books/9780133559514


Murdick, N. L., Gartin, B. L., & Fowler, G. A. (2014). Special Education Law (3rd ed.). Pearson Education (US). https://mbsdirect.vitalsource.com/books/9780133559514


Public Education


  • Special Education services are legally supposed to be provided in public schools.
  • Families have a right to education that is paid for by public funding, even if they are attending a private school.
  • Education is more than academics. It includes social skills, behavior, communication, emotional and physical therapy, speech and language therapy and occupational therapy.
  • IDEA is clear, education includes adaptive and functional skills

IDEA Basics: Free and Appropriate Public Education. (2013). YouTube. https://youtu.be/ElusLM-WVtA

Move this way only as far as necessary

Return this way as rapidly and feasible as possible



How Does it Help?

Day Schools, Residential Clusters, Hospital Schools, Homebound

General Education with no Direct Special Education Services or Supports

General Education within class, Direct Special Education Services and other Related Services

Pull-out Special Education Services and other Related Services for a small portion of the school day

Special Classes with Mainstreaming Opportunities in Academic and Non-Academic Classes as Specified in the IEP

Topic 3: Presentation - Least Restrictive Environment Visual of Least Restrictive Placement in the Continuum of Services https://png.vector.me/files/images/1/0/101477/pyramid_clip_art_preview.jpg

LRE allows children to interact with peers who do not have disabilities and to be exposed to the general curriculum. This is benefical because it shows:

  • Improved communication opportunities
  • Increased opportunities for social interaction and learning
  • Increased access to curriculum
  • Improved learning of academic skills.

How does LRE help?

