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Guidance Consider-ations

Federation Consider-ations

Student Expectations

Teacher Expectations

Content Areas

Program Description

Hawk Academic Mentor Program

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Recommend-ation Process

Team and Process

To-Do List

Training Recommend-ations

Hawk Academic Mentor Program

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Scheduling Consider-ations

Hawk Academic Mentors may serve in various capacities based on subject area teacher need. For example:

  • multilingual mentors may assist newcomer students with translation
  • mentors will strong content-area skills may assist in a co-taught classroom to be an additional support for their peers
  • mentors placed in a lab-based science class may assist with lab set up and break down

Hawk Academic Mentors will be placed in 9th and 10th grade ELA, math, science and history classes. They WILL NOT work in elective courses at this time.

Content Areas

12/5/23: Focus Group Meeting

1/17/24: Meeting with Guidance for Feedback

A survey of interest was sent out in November to establish a focus group. 16 staff members and students participated in round-table discussions to determine if this program was worth pursuing, and feedback was overwhelmingly positive. Another survey of interest was sent out and a 14-member working group of 7 staff and 7 students was established to brainstorm a program proposal.

Team and Process

1/18/24: Working Group Meeting #3

1/4/24: Working Group Meeting #1

1/25/24: Working Group Meeting #4

1/11/24: Working Group Meeting #2

1/16/24: School Council Presentation

Team Members:Sonila AlvesKaitlin BedardMaundy BontempsAJ ButlerJennifer Fitch-TewfikElianiz Fuentes LaureanoLisa MannettaLois MillerMatt PachecoNora Pierre-LouisRachel SpringCourtney Trinh Catie TuccinardiKendall White

Would like feedback from other admins and various departments to design this

Training Development

Shadow a paraprofessional as a part of the training (preference for the end of the year rather than in September)

Students Will:

To be signed by students, caregivers and teachers prior to attending the training

Commitment Letter

5/31 PD day


All teachers and students participating in the program will be expected to attend a training session to review expectations and provide teacher/student matches with time to get to know one another prior to working together. The following were a part of the working group discussion regarding training:

Training Recommendations

Teachers will fill out an application indicating they are willing to work with a Hawk Academic Mentor. Student applications will be reviewed by an Administrative Review Board based on:

  • Grades: Applicants must be passing the subject they wish to assist in with at least a B average and all other courses with at least a C average at the end of term 3. Students chosen to participate in the program must maintain at least a B- average in the subject they will assist in and a C average in all other classes until the end of the school year.
  • Attendance: Attendance will be reviewed. Chronically absent students will not be eligible to participate.
  • Behavior: Behavior records will be reviewed to ensure each applicant is a positive peer support for other students.
  • Written Statement: Applicants will be required to provide a well-written statement of interest.
Once the Administrative Review Board has approved a student, teachers will be able to weigh in as well (mechanism for this still pending).

Recommendation Process

The program is designed to provide students with the opportunity to assist in a either a 9th or 10th grade classroom as a full-year elective course during their academic week, is a great way for students to develop their leadership skills, and to give back to the Southeastern community. Hawk Academic Mentors will assist both their peers and the classroom teacher with various tasks throughout the class, and will be expected to complete weekly reflections on the experience.

Hawk Academic Mentor Elective Course

Program Description

Pass/Fail course that is NOT factored into a student's GPA

Based on feedback from guidance department members, the following criteria and suggestions are proposed:

Students will receive 4 credits for completing the course successfully.

Guidance Considerations

Students could take this course as a junior and a senior (HAM I and HAM II).

  • Students will apply to the HAM program, but will not choose this course as a part of the regular course recommendation process.
  • A meeting with guidance counselors will take place prior to student schedule meetings so that the counselors know which students are approved for the program.
  • When the counselors meet with these students, they will let the student know they have been approved and discuss whether the student wants to participate. Students who choose to participate should also choose a backup course in the event that we are unable to match them with a teacher or make the program work in their schedule.
  • Once guidance has finished their schedule meetings with students, we will have a finalized list of student participants to make matches with teacher participants.
  • Pat will create the course and schedule students based on the matches, and guidance will notify any student who was unable to be scheduled in the program.

Scheduling Considerations

Grade assignments, be given access to IEPs/504s, share info they learn about a student, etc.

Students Will Not:

Earn community service hours by helping out at a teacher's after school night

Students Can:

Be allowed to work on their own assignments as determined by the teacher

Students Will:

Complete a weekly reflection in Google Classroom

Students Will:

Students will review the assignment topics and readings and assist with tasks as necessary as determined by the classroom teacher. They will be expected to maintain professionalism at all times (adhere to dress code, proper use of technology, arrive to class on-time etc.).

Student Expectations and Responsibilities

  • Hawk Academic Mentors will count towards a teacher's class size per the contractual agreement.
  • While teachers will have a separate gradebook for their Hawk Academic Mentor, this will not be considered as an additional course that a teacher needs to prepare for. We will treat this like we do when a student drops an "AP" designation but remains in the classroom.

Federation Considerations

  • Teachers will provide support for mentors based on their weekly reflections as needed.
  • Teachers will upload a weekly reflection grade into School Brains, upload a term grade and comments, and communicate with the mentor’s caregiver(s) as a part of their professional responsibilities.

  • Teachers will provide mentors with the topics for review, pertinent readings or presentations etc. prior to the start of the academic week for review.
  • Teachers will assign in-class duties and responsibilities as needed.
  • Teachers will provide feedback on and score the weekly reflections (see attached assignments and scoring rubric).

Teacher Responsibilities

  • Departments need to be informed so they know this is happening and can answer any questions, encourage students to apply, etc. (week of 2/5)
  • ELA department will roll this out to students on 2/9 and 2/12
  • Deadlines for applications 2/26
  • Administrative Review Board members need to be confirmed
  • Training needs to be developed (again, would like other admins/departments to weigh in)
  • Commitment letter needs to be created
  • Training dates/location/materials/
transportation for students etc. TBD THOUGHTS AND FEEDBACK?

The following things still need to be worked out:

To-Do List