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Knowledge for Public Health


Local Authority Reference group (LARG) 29.01.2024


  1. Welcome and introductions
  2. A refresher - what is KNOW-PH and what are we expected to do?
  3. Early rapid response topics
  4. Discussion, feedback, questions, AOB

A refresher

What is KNOW-PH and what are we expected to do?

UK first public health KMb team

Creative focus

2 x deep coproduction

3-6 month rapid response

Health inequalities

  • problem/solution from user perspective
  • what does evidence mean to those audiences?
  • And what can they do with it?
  • NIHR PH Review team
  • NIHR Library
  • Rapid review?
  • for NIHR sign off
  • audience scoping
  • What, Why, With whom?
  • creative approaches used
  • in team
  • with NIHR
  • with PACE
  • with LARG
  • Problem definition

Our approach

Topic development

Project specification

Evidence collation

Creative coproduction

Deep coproduction

15-18 mths

Topics defined by LAs/LARG

Creative agencies

Cardboard CitizensNifty FoxOptical Jukebox


Cost of livingHousingHealthy planningClimate change and health


Topic prioritisation

Public and Community Engagement LARG and wider LA workforce

Active KMb

With LAsAn output in itselfComms within and outwith


An array of knowledge productsA guide to KMb for LAsA guide to creative approaches


CapacityField advancementSubstantive topic impactEvaluation

Early rapid response topics

  • mental health in schools
  • workforce mental health and workplace related stress

NIHR studies

What are the workplace stress concerns in local government?

Knowledge for Public Health
