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un ordinateur(a computer)

une ordinateur(a computer)

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Most of the words ending with "eur" are masculin:- le bonheur (hapiness)- un facteur (postman)- un éleveur (breeder)- un ascenseur (a lift)

une spectatrice(a spectator)

un spectateur(a spectator)

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Both are correct because they refer to people- un spectateur (a male spectator)- une spectatrice (a female spectator)

une abeille (a bee)

un abeille (a bee)

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Animals which only have one gender:- une abeille (a bee)- un poisson (a fish)

un ambulancier(paramedic)

une ambulancier(parametic)

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Professions ending with "ier" are masculine:-un ambulancier (paramedic)-un policier (a policeman)-un pâtissier (a pastry chef)Professions ending with "ière" are feminine: -une ambulancière (paramedic)-une policière (a policewoman)-une pâtissière (a pastry chef)

le Luxembourg

la Luxembourg

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Countries ending with a consonant or a vowel other than -e are masculine:-le Luxembourg (Luxembourg)-le Royaume-Uni (the United Kingdom)-le Brésil (Brazil)

une livre

un livre

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For some words the gender change depending on the meaning:-un livre (a book)-une livre (a pound)-un tour (a walk)-une tour (a tower)

une chanteuse(a singer)

un chanteuse(a singer)

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Professions ending with "euse" are feminine:-une chanteuse (a singer)-une vendeuse (a seller)The masculine ends with "eur".

le lundi (Monday)

la lundi (Monday)

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Days of the week are masculine:-le lundi (Monday)-le mardi (Tuesday)-le samedi (Saturday)

la géographie(geography)

le géographie(geography)

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Subjects and words ending with "graphie" are feminine:-la géographie (geography)-la chimie (chemistry)-la photographie (photography)

le roi (the king)

la roi (the King)

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Nouns referring to boys or men are masculine:-un roi (a King)-un homme (a man)

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Review the feminine/masculine course! You will get there.There is a lot to remember.Good luck, you can do it!

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