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Save The Children

Save the Children" is one of the Big 5 humanitarian aid organizations.The intervention of humanitarian aid organisations has been gaining importance in recent years, with the escalation of natural disasters, armed conflicts and financial crises. According to the United Nations (UN), the world is facing the biggest humanitarian crisis since the institution's founding. This scenario poses some major challenges for humanitarian aid organizations such as UNICEF, CARE, Save The Children, AMI and Médecins Sans Frontières.

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Save The Children is a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) that aims to defend children's rights and help them develop their full potential.

Save the children

This NGO was established in London in 1919 with the purpose of helping children in areas devastated by World War I. Today, it is present in 120 countries, from Rwanda to Bangladesh, from Sierra Leone to Iraq

Save the Children responds to emergencies caused by natural disasters, famine, wars or disease outbreaks by protecting children.Education is another of the NGO's priorities. Save The Children supports education programs for children, both in the classroom and at home. In this area, the organization also distributes educational books and toys.

Save the children

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Healthcare is also a priority area of action for Save The Children. According to the organization, 5.9 million children die every year from preventable and treatable diseases.

Save the children

Save The Children is also committed to the fight against child poverty, a barrier to children's full development. And because poverty is inextricably linked to hunger, the organization also fights malnutrition in the world's poorest regions. To that end, it has programs focused on improving access to food, farming practices, and family finances. The goal is to help parents provide for their children's basic needs.

save the children