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An Italian murder mystery

murder at the 'Villa Enigmatica' in Tuscany


Tu sei un investigatore famoso.Adesso hai una missione importante:...devi risolvere un mistero........devi scoprire il/la colpevole...

Your mission, if you accept it, is: - to explore the different rooms of the mansion. - to find pieces of evidence.- to discover where the murder took place.- to identify the weapon of the crime.- to discover the identity of the murderer.

According to the forensic report, il corpo belongs to an uomo who was murdered in the second half of the nineteeth century.

Chi sono i sospettati?

Il Signor Giovanni

La Signora Francesca

Il Dottor Luca

Eleonora (la figlia)

Stefano (il figlio)

La cuoca, Maria

Giovanni è molto severo. Fa paura a tutti. Non ascolta nessuno.

Francesca ama mangiare, cantare e ballare. Ha i capelli lunghi e rossi. E' una persona molto misteriosa.

Il dottor Luca aiuta la famiglia. Prepara le medicine. Tutti si fidano di lui.

Maria e' gentile e affidabile.

Eleonora ama i soldi. Compra molti vestiti.

Stefano e' molto simpatico. Tutti lo amano.

Le armi

One of these is the murder weapon. You must find out which.

la corda

il candeliere

il coltello

il veleno

il pugnale

il martello

Where will you find these questions? You'll find them in the rooms of the mansion, clicking "board" at the bottom. When you answer all the questions and you see the cards hiding in that room, don't forget to take note of the cards you found, on your grid. At the end, you will have 1 person, 1 weapon and 1 room left - THOSE TELL YOU WHERE THE MURDER WAS, WHO DID IT, and with WHAT. Have fun! Buon divertimento!


Clicking on the button "board", you'll find all the mansion's rooms. Inside the rooms, the cards are hidden and will be revealed if you are able to answer correctly every question. Like the original board game, there's a card for every character, weapon and room of the mansion.

Every card that you discover hasn't been involved in the murder: all the characters that you'll find are innocent, all the weapons that you'll see are "clean" (they haven't been used for the homicide) and the rooms (the ones on the cards, not the ones that you visit!) aren't the murder scene. The cards with innocent characters, clean weapons and rooms that aren't the murder scene are hiding and will be revealed when you'll be able to answer correctly a bunch of questions.


You just found a very kitchen knife. The cook might have forgotten it here...

Walking in the cellar you discover an ancient document which tells you that the access to the drawing room was only opened when people came to visit. So, the drawing room must not be the place you are looking for.

Did you really think this would work?


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To discover the second card, click here:




You discover a flask of poison. Someone might have had criminal ideas... Though, it is still here and sealed. So, it can't be the weapon.

You found a note indicating that no one could access the chapel until it was finished. But the construction of the chapel never reached an end.

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After having sold his mansion, in 1854, the Earl of Ducie never came back there. So he can't have killed the little girl.

The basement was really dim back in the day. So, the little girl could not have come there.

this veleno was found in the conservatory....

Mi chiamo Eleonora, sono la figlia della famiglia. Amo prendere il sole ...

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William Leigh was a devout Catholic. He could not have forgotten the sacred order "Thou Shall Not Kill" from the Old Testament.

In the chapel, you found a hammer covered with dust. A stonemason may have left it there.

I invite all my friends to the sala da pranzo every Wednesday...

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In the hall, on a sign, you can read that the library was the only property of William Leigh who had the only key to open it and was buried with it when he died. So, the library cannot be where the crime took place.

While walking through the hall, you overhear a guide telling some visitor that the cook would never let anyone enter his kitchen. So, the kitchen cannot be the murder scene.

a faithfull maid who worked at the mansion.

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First owner of the mansion. Legend holds that when he threw a lavish dinner to celebrate his succession to the Earldom in 1840, he was somewhat taken aback when his father’s ghost interrupted the festivities by occupying the seat that he was intending to sit in at the head of the table. It gave him such a fright that he left the place never to return.

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To discover the second card, click here:




The cook was very rarely at the mansion and did not like to see anyone. The only thing that he loved was cooking. He was not able to do anything else. So, unless he cooked the little girl... But the bones would not have been found then. He surely would have found a way to use them...

the candeliere was found in the camera da letto.... not its usual location. a bit suspicious...




The card you are looking for stands in the middle of the picture of the library.

The second owner of the house. He bought it in 1845 and is responsible for the shape the mansion has today.

la corda was found behind one of the libri in the biblioteca... very strange.

So, the card you found is:

Caroline Leigh


Wife of William Leigh