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HND RadioPodcasting Brief

Session 2023-24

The basics

You are required to pitch, produce, edit and publish a podcast series of at least three episodes.


Stage 1

Create a pitch for your podcast series and present it to the class.

Stage 2

Deliver your first episode and engage in peer feedback with your classmates.

Stage 3

Complete at least two more episodes


Interviews with Scottish musicians

Re-examining news stories from the past

Ranking films within a franchise

Book news and author interviews

Roundtable discussions on trending topics

What should the subject of my podcast be?

  • That is up to you. As long as you can prove there's a target audience and situate your idea within the podcasting landscape, you can choose any topic that interests you. However, your topic must be agreed with me before you begin production. Choose a topic you are passionate about, as this podcast could form part of your portfolio for university/employers.
Can I work with someone else in the class?
  • Yes and no. You can have a classmate as a co-host, but you can't produce the podcast together. This is an individual project, so your pitch must be all of your own work and you must edit and upload each episode yourself.
How long should each episode be?
  • There's generally no hard and fast rule when it comes to the length of a podcast episode. However, you've got to think about your audience and what they want/expect from an episode.
Should I include interviews in my podcast?
  • You are encouraged to include interviews in your episodes – it shouldn't be 20 minutes of you talking. You don't have to include interviews, but bear in mind that a lot of time and research goes in to making storytelling podcasts with a single narrator.
What about music?
  • You should incorporate music throughout your podcast episodes. However, you cannot use commercial music. It must be royalty-free.
What can I do with my podcast?
  • In class, we'll talk about how to market and publicise your podcasts. You should use your own social media accounts to market your podcast as well as City Radio.
When is the deadline for this?
  • You should complete and publish all three episodes of your podcast by Tuesday 28th of May.