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Read on to explore the must-haves customer service skills important for a role at Pennon:

Problem-solving skills

The ability to work in a fast-paced environment


The ability to diffuse a stressful situation

Sometimes, things don’t always go according to plan. That’s why customer service is so important! To excel as part of the team, you’ll need the ability to promptly come up with solutions, strategising your next plan of action as quickly as possible. You’ll know exactly which team members to reach out to for help, and you’ll possess the ability to think outside of the box.

Working as part of Pennon’s customer service team comes with important responsibilities, particularly given the essential nature of a water company. Because you’ll be helping customers access clean water, it’s important that you work in a timely manner to respond to any queries and solve problems. Your time management skills will really be put to the test in this role!

Patience, like all of these other soft skills, may not be taught at university or college, but it is really important in a customer support role. While it’s always good to be efficient, you must be able to understand that some solutions simply take time, and keep your cool in front of customers. Practising patience can only lead to more positive team member relationships and smoother interactions with customers. So we call that a win-win!

That being said, some people may not always approach problems so open-mindedly. That’s why the ability to diffuse a stressful situation is really important in a customer-facing role. You will communicate calmly, listen compassionately and tackle those difficult conversations with ease. Think you’re up for the challenge?