Want to make creations as awesome as this one?


Internal Innovation and External Sustainability Quests
Build an internal culture of innovation and a community that grows the brand and serves as an acquisition & talent funnel
  • Systematically involve university & even school students to build talent funnels
  • Use Quests as a unique engagement tool to build a unique, innovative and caring brand
  • Deliver concrete outcomes for the community (e.g., skills, recognition, startup ideas) and demonstrate genuine care for issues that matter to build loyalty
  • Internal Quests to build a culture of innovation that fuels top & bottomline growth
  • External Quests to build a community to influence and acquire customers

How Can Lumi Support Tree

People: Drive engagement and develop talent through sustainable strategic initiativesPeople: Build strong Employer Brand and reputation

CX: Create a loyal set of adopters & promoters

Financial: Increase Top line Growth (GWP)Financial: Maximize Profit (Loss Ratio)

Tree's KPIs

Micro, Embedded, Parametrics
SME General
SME Health, Cyber (SME, Retail)
Motor Comprehensive
Pet and Telematics

Tree's Roadmap and KPIs, and How Lumi can Help

Proposed Projects

Education & Government

Sustainability & Insurance

Innovation & Coaching

Dr. Reem Al TurkiAdvisor

Deep experience and connections of industry, academia and government in Saudi ArabiaDeep passion for sustainability

Dr. Christiane Mueck Advisor

Advisor to Misk FoundationEducation and Innovation AdvisorCoaching expertise

Pia Heidenmark CookAdvisor

Former Chief Sustainability Officer IKEABoard Member at BUPA

Government Connection

Design & Delivery

Design & Delivery

Lord Henry BellinghamChairmanLumi Network

Seasoned Chair of Global BusinessesDeep exeperience and connections in government in UK, Saudi Arabia, etc.

Prof Chris ShenCo-Founder & CIOLumi Network

Prashant RaizadaFounder and CEOLumi Network

Lifelong association with Stanford University as an academic & professionalWorld Leading Design-Thinking Expert 24 years experience of design-thinking led innovation in companies worldwideGlobal Leader in MedTech Innovation

Deep experience in driving digital transformation and capability building at McKinseyBuilt two corporate ventures to drive innovation in large corporate at scaleBuilt 5 startups in 4 countries

Top notch Lumi leadership supported by industry leading experts

Goal: At least 50% of Tree staff go through the Quests in 2024

Expected Outcome: At least 2 ideas that Tree can take to maturity/production

Quest Delivery
Mode of Delivery: Virtual (highly recommended)Duration: 8 weeks (2 X 75-minute sessions per week). An equivalent amount of time will be required for offline tasksWorking Arrangement:Sessions will take place either early morning (preferable), early afternoon, or after work hours.Participants will join from their homesIn some sessions, Prashant will join in-person, else virtually. Prof Chris will always join virutally when he is involved.SMEs will be asked to join in 3-4 sessions for 30-45 mins to share their expertise and/or provide feedback to team-think to help shape their inputs and deliverablesCapstone Presentation at the end of Quest
Quest Set-up
Topic: Product/feature, Operations, Customer Experience (Q1 = Motor, Q2 = Cyber, Q3 = SME, Q4 = Health)Participants: 10 Tree Staff + 10 University StudentsNumber of Quests: 2 Quests per QuarterDesign: Lumi Founders (Prashant and Prof Chris) will design the QuestFacilitation: 2-4 English-speaking facilitators (with high involvement from Lumi Founders - Prashant and Prof Chris) in Q1 and Q2. Experienced Lumi facilitators will take over from Q3.SMEs: Tree Staff (or external)Capstone Presentation: Panel of Lumi, Tree, (Tawuniya?) leadership

Operating Model: Internal Innovation Quests

2024 Q3 - Q4

2024 Q2 - Q3

Cyber Quest

2024 Q2 - Q3

2024 Q1

Green Riyadh Initiative

Outcomes(0.5 months)

  • Top 100 Students receive Certification and Passport
  • Students with Top "Winning" Ideas may earn internship/job at Tree (to be decided by Tree)
  • Newsletter to 5K students/parents on Quest progress and outcomes

Phase 2 Implementation(2.5 months)

  • 100 Students = 10 Lumi Quests
  • Bilingual Facilitators
  • Duration: 8 weeks (2 75-minutes sessions per week)
  • Delivery mode: Virtual
  • Lumi, Tree, (Tawuniya?), MOE Sponsors will judge Capstone

Phase 1 Implementation(1 month)

Plan and Design(2.5 months)

  • 5K Students
  • Asynchronous Quest
  • No Facilitation req'd
  • Individual Work - Investigate and Ideate Phases of Lumi Quest
  • Tree and Lumi evaluate submissions
  • Top 100 students selected
  • Line up Sponsors
  • Involve Gov't Institutions e.g. MOE, RCRC, Misk
  • Identify SMEs
  • Recruit Students, Facilitators
  • Design Quest
  • Set-up Lumi Platform

Operating Model: External Sustainability Quests

  • Participate in a unique initiative of national/international importance
  • Build skills and open new pathways for a brighter future e.g. Future Jobs
  • Opportunity to develop innovative ideas with the prospect of earning recognition and funding if selected
  • Over time, engage in similar national initiatives in many significant ways - participant, mentor, and investor
Recognition & Certification from Lumi as well as Sacred Groves
Built skills in AI, Entrepreneurship & Design-Thinking showcased in an accredited Future Skills Passport
Founded a tangible idea which can go further

The community will get an opportunity to acquire skills, tangible benefits and engage long term through the Quests

A Glimpse of the Lumi Quest

  • Method: A Quest- an interactive design-thinking led curriculum-
  • AI-assisted tools to enhance creativity and productivity
  • People: Trained facilitators from top universities
  • Platform: An engaging learning space that fosters collaboration

Lumi’s AI-enabled platform combines four things:

How Lumi works

*Tree will contribute a fraction of this pricing (seed money). The remainder will be covered through sponsorships from other corporates.Excludes travel related expenses.

Pricing Proposal



Note: See Appendix - Slide "Past Client Detailed Quest Timeline" for a detailed set of activities, outputs, duration, and effort during the course of a quest

Final solution prototype, capstone presentation, thought paper, marketing materials

Week 7 - 8

  • Conduct user testing
  • Refine solution using initial user feedback
  • Develop a more robust solution
  • Take videos for marketing and engage Tree employees
  • Write a thought paper making recommendations to stakeholders in the value chain


Build prototype and design of solution

Week 5 - 6

Teams bring their ideas to life with no-code technology

  • Collaboratively develop the solution using no-code software
  • Build your solution using wireframing
  • Bring in SMEs for feedback
  • Present the prototype app and gather feedback
  • Take videos for marketing and engage Tree employees


Develop the storyboard

Week 3 - 4

The quest divides into teams of Luminaries

  • Brainstorm around the challenge statements
  • Bring in external experts for subject matter expertise
  • Validate idea through surveys & research
  • Identify key components of one's solution
  • Take videos for marketing and engage Tree employees


Generate precise challenge statements

Week 1 - 2

  • Research the animal/pet problem and develop a fact based view
  • Conduct interviews to gain deeper insights about pets
  • Understand personas - people experiencing pet problems
  • Generate precise challenge statements
  • Take videos for marketing
  • Engage Tree employees to build excitement


Signed ContractPurchase Order

Week 1 - 4

  • Identify schools/universities for student recruitment
  • Recruit students
  • Design quest
  • Plan facilitation, activities, and prepare platform
  • Recruit external subject matter experts
  • Identify Tree subject matter experts
  • Sign contract
  • Issue Purchase order




Key Activities

Illustrative Quest Timeline Proposal


Past Client Detailed Quest Timeline - Phase 1

Post session work
  • Practice your presentation
  • Design thinking
  • Storytelling
  • Taking initiative
  • Resilience
ObjectivesComplete your presentation structure and storytelling journey
Post session work
  • Refine challenge statements
  • Start creating your end of phase output (question: can it be something better than a standard presentation?)
  • Empathy
  • Design thinking
  • Storytelling
  • Data interpretation
ObjectivesCreate your challenge statements that capture what, who, where & why to help with brainstorming
Post session work
  • Refine your personas
  • Review examples of challenge statements & why they are useful
  • Empathy
  • Design thinking
  • Data interpretation
  • Design thinking
ObjectivesWho are the various people involved in your case studies, understanding and creating personas
Post session work
  • Understand case studies of what is happening in cyber: problems & solutions
  • Create your own case study based on the examples provided
  • Critical thinking
  • Conflict resolution
  • Cybersecurity
  • Collaborative problem solving
ObjectivesWhat problems are we able to solve & who are we solving these problems for, get to meet a cybersecurity expert
Post session work
  • Identify cybersecurity problems around you
  • Create a map of the problems identified with key stakeholders and risks
  • Cybersecurity
  • Collaborative problem solving
  • Critical thinking
  • Taking initiative
ObjectivesGetting to understand cyber threats, discussing how it impacts various stakeholders & what we should focus on
Pre-Quest & post session work
  • Understand the so-what of the Quest
  • Pre-reads to understand Lumi and the scope, nature & outcomes of the Quest
  • Preliminary research on the a select aspects of cybersecurity
  • Collaboration
  • Active listening
  • Building trust
  • Cybersecurity
ObjectivesIntroduction, getting to know the Lumi way, the Quest, each other and begin discussions on the topic (cybersecurity)

Session 6

Session 5

Phase 1: Investigate (high level outline, each live session = 90 mins; ~1 hour of additional work outside live sessions)

Session 2

Session 1

Session 3

Session 4


Past Client Detailed Quest Timeline - Phase 2

Post session work
  • Design your storyboard in preparation for the presentation
  • Resilience
  • Active listening
  • Confidence
  • Leadership
ObjectivesCreate and refine, with feedback from a cyber expert, your storyboard from beginning to end
Post session work
  • Create a storyboard for a solution that exists already (e.g., McAfee)
  • Create your first 3 frames of your storyboard
  • Storytelling
  • Wireframing and prototyping
  • Design thinking
  • Entrepreneurship
ObjectivesIntroduction to storyboards and wireframes, list the features you need & want for your solution
Post session work
  • Begin to formulate your story - how does a user come into contact with your solution
  • Think about what you need to do to maximise your users success
  • Agile project management
  • Desing thinking
  • Critical thinking
  • Data interpretation
ObjectivesCreate a set of criteria for the end solution, and rank your concepts on this criteria
Post session work
  • Create concepts from the ideas that have been brainstormed
  • Use the M.A.D framework to identify how it can be helpful to you
  • Resilience
  • Agile project management
  • Design thinking
  • Futute orientation
ObjectivesRevisit our challenge statements and start brainstorming your solutions using Lumi's M.A.D framework

Phase 2: Ideate (high level outline, each session = 90 mins); ~1 hour of additional work outside live sessions)

Session 2

Session 1

Session 3

Session 4


Past Client Detailed Quest Timeline - Phase 3

Post session work
  • Create a walkthrough video of your prototype so far
  • Storytelling
  • Agile Project management
  • Prototyping
  • Leadership
ObjectivesIncorporate the feedback into your prototype
Post session work
  • Conduct 2 user tests of your version 1 prototype
  • Clearly formulate a plan of what to do with the feedback
  • Prototyping
  • Agile Project management
  • Empathy
  • Design thinking
ObjectivesFormulate plans for user testing, and practice with other Luminaries
Post session work
  • Have a complete version 1 of your prototype
  • Review offline content relating to effective user testing
  • Resilience
  • Collaborative problem solving
  • Initiative
  • Prototyping
ObjectivesRecap on your success criteria, receive feedback on your initial screens against these criteria
Post session work
  • Create the first 3 screens of your prototype
  • Become familiar with what prototypes of other solutions looked like
  • Collaboration
  • Agile Project management
  • Critical thinking
  • Confidence
ObjectivesFamiliarise yourself with our low-code software, revisit our storyboards and incorporate feedback

Phase 3: Prototype (high level outline, each session = 90 mins); ~1 hour of additional work outside live sessions)

Session 2

Session 1

Session 3

Session 4


Past Client Detailed Quest Timeline - Phase 4

Session 2

Session 3

Session 4

Post session work
  • Structure your presentation walkthrough of the prototype to present to stakeholders
  • Storytelling
  • Future orientation
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Leadership
ObjectivesFinalise the initial prototype, including design
Post session work
  • Think about the design of your prototype and identify key design changes to make
  • Prototyping
  • Build trust
  • Design thinking
  • Leadership
ObjectivesWork on your prototype to achieve success
Post session work
  • Analyse your prototype against your criteria identifying changes you need to make it
  • Prototyping
  • Build trust
  • Design thinking
  • Critical thinking
ObjectivesReview your success criteria and adapt them to your updated prototype
Post session work
  • Review other people's prototypes and prepare structured feedback
  • Prototyping
  • Empathy
  • Design thinking
  • Collaboration
ObjectivesUtilise additional feedback you received to create a more refined prototype

Phase 4: Iterate (high level outline, each session = 90 mins); ~1 hour of additional work outside live sessions)

Session 1


Past Client Detailed Quest Timeline - SME Schedule

Lumi was conceptualised by a father & son duo in 2020

  • We run digital, scalable cohort-based Quests
  • Supported by an AI-augmented online learning platform
  • Participants produce novel tech-enabled innovations to global or business problems
  • And develop Future of Work skills such as entrepreneurship, design and AI-readiness.

Lumi collaborates with young people and corporates globally


Live, facilitated sessions with inputs from subject matter experts

Up to 10 participants/Quest

Prof. Christopher Shen, Co-Founder of Lumi

Developed with Renowned Design-Thinking & Innovation Professor at Stanford University

The Quest: A structured design-thinking-led journey

We run Quests that allow 10-25-year-olds to build future skills while solving real world problem such as climate change

We also co-develop bespoke Quests with select partners on topics of mutual interest

E-Waste: Junk to Jungles Quest(Coming soon)

Let's reverse Climate Change

Building a Fair World Equal for All

UN-SDGs addressed through the Quests

Shaping Sustainable Cities

Select Lumi Quest Topics

The Quests allow a company to tackle ten UN-SDGs simultaneously

Community Led Engagement Platform

Best of Breed Tools

  • Method: A Quest- an interactive design-thinking led curriculum-
  • AI-assisted tools to enhance creativity and productivity
  • People: Trained facilitators from top universities
  • Platform: An engaging learning space that fosters collaboration

Lumi’s AI-enabled platform combines four things:

Product Platform

Incentivising users to buy less food to reduce waste!

Five 11-14 year olds

Three 14-16 year olds

Two 13 year olds

Five 12-14 year olds

Five 11-15 year olds

Two 12 year olds

Three 17 year olds

Three 15 year olds

Connecting care homes with schools globally for learning, in a safe way!

Offering grocers soon to expire food at discount - contributing a % to a good cause!

Win point & buy gifts for your virtual pet by taking shorter showers!

Allowing locals to deliver food to the elderly & disabled!

Pre-ordered school meals to reduce food waste!

An interative curriculum building awareness on forms of equality!

Our Quests have led to over 80 innovations from young people tackling various global issues locally, across 14 countries.

Click Screens For Demo

Measure & improve your green impact while competing with friends!

Click for Demo

Key Skills Developed by Lumi

Each participant obtains a Future Skills Passport: A proprietary credential that tracks and showcases Quest outcomes & key skills

Identified Lumi as an emerging provider in the Ed-Tech, 2023

Showcased Lumi at the COP27 by The Commonwealth

Shorlisted Lumi within its Early stage investor conf. 2022

Accreditations & Recognition


Lumi has joined hands with Sacred Groves as our Climate Action Partner

Each Sacred Groves Cluster can be protected for a fee by our Guardians
Each Sacred Groves Cluster is assigned a unique ID
We virtually divide them into Sacred Groves Clusters (SGCs)
We secure biodiverse habitats and forests all over the world

Protected Habitats

Sacred Groves is a platform that enables environmentally sensitive individuals and companies to take meaningful actions in protecting our planet's biodiverse habitats

Who we can skill up and provide quests to:

Deliver tech-focused innovations and ideas, build social medial marketing materials, build community and enhance employee engagement.
Develop tangible innovations with young talent, starting with a pilot to support the launch of the new to market pet insurnace product.
Run digital Quests on topics related to pet insurance, motor insurance and cybersecurity issues.

How we can help drive impact, innovation, and visibility to Tree's products and services.

Key Metrics

# ESG impact on investors# Reputational impact# Talent impact# Policies for new-to-market and existing products

# Innovations chosen for further acceleration# Animals saved/cared# SG Guardians created

# Innovations developed# High Employee SAT# Recommendations to Stakeholders in Value Chain

# Young people impacted# Employees involved as volunteers, SMEs# Community size and SAT





Together, we can deliver measurable & tangible outcomes across four critical pillars that will support enduring success in these times

Recognition & Certification from Lumi as well as Sacred Groves
An accredited Future Skills Passport showcasing their proficiency in AI, Entrepreneurship and Design and can serve asa lifelong learning companion
A tangible innovation they have founded and which can go further

We also deliver multiple and tangible benefits to each young person ("Luminary") who participates in a Quest

Become part of the healthy cities initiative, with Bupa sponsoring a City Quest for young people, delivering participants a skill passport.
Pia Heidenmark Cook - A board member of Bupa was invited onto Lumi's podcast 'In Youth We Trust' as its first guest.
Bupa sponsored 10 students to showcase innovations at Cheltenham Literary Festival

Lumi was selected by Bupa as a high potential start-up and was shortlisted for their Eco-Disruptive Inititive.

Case Study: Bupa

A Leading Tech. & Financial Info. Company

Talent-led collaboration to upskill apprentices and graduates with cutting edge future skills while solving sustainability challenges

A Global Technology Co.

Impact & Outreach-led collaboration to run Quests with young people from the UK, India and Singapore and with deep involvement from employees

Coming Soon

Knight Dragon

A Big Four Accountancy Firm

Showcased by The Commonwealth at COP27 as a high impact venture to empower young people on the topic of Climate change
Impact focused collaboration with a UK Bank to run Future Cities & Inequality focused Quests for school students in the UK
Impact-led collaboration with Knight Dragon to run sustainability focused Quests for school students in the Greenwich Peninsula
Innovation and Impact-led collaboration with Nationwide to run Quests for underserved school students in NW England on the topic of Green Homes
Talent upskilling collaboration with a Big Four to run a quest for apprentices to develop Cybersecurity innovations

Examples of how leading institutions have collaborated with Lumi (select examples)

Offer a 5 year partnership to drive innovation, impact, and visibility by scaling Pet Quests, and doing Quests for areas like Motor and later Cybersecurity.
Pilot Pet Quest initially with 50 students from schools and universities. Design - 4 weeks.Delivery - 8 weeks.
Start with a Quest on Pets to support the launch of new-to-market pet insurance product.
Assess pilot for impact and scalability with an exclusive conversation with Prashant & Vikram.

How We Can Collaborate

High re-insurance pricing result in higher insurance premiums

Select Factors Impacting Auto Insurance Companies

Promotion of eco-friendly vehicles which have different risk profiles

Extreme weather incidents resulting in model adaptation

Rewarding sustainable driving behaviors using telematics.

Insurance companies today are confronted by unprecedented change, driven by a wide range of factors.

Enhance customer experience from policy issuance to claims processing

Climate change model adaptation and premium recalibration

Promote safer and more sustainable driving practices

Product innovation

Sustainability and ESG

Reimagining Customer Value

AI and Digitisation Agenda

"Insurance companies have a once-in-a-generation opportunity to catalyze an orderly transition to net zero emissions through product and solution innovation." - McKinsey

Insurance companies are assesssing long-term changes that are needed to serve customers in a fast-changing and uncertain world.

A Big Four Accounting Firm


Four international schools, South Korea


St Ignatius School Enfield, UK

The Foundation School Bangalore, India

Institutions Lumi has worked with globally


Today it's become really difficult to differentiate between the thousands of graduates who apply to us. They have great degrees but they're missing real-world skills. Lumi is the way to help us pick them out.

- Senior Partner, Big Four Accounting Firm

- Kosmo Kalliarekos, Global EdTech Leader & Lumi investor

Lumi is shifting the needle from assessment to skills and promoting peer-based learning. It's strength lies in augmenting rather trying to upend education

- Headmaster, Leading British School

It is immensely encouraging that young people can come up with such well thought out solutions to complex global problems when given an opportunity through Lumi.

- Education & Skills Leader, top professional services firm

There is a gap in the market to develop digital skills in young people from an early age. The Passport can be a new age credential for many young people from anywhere.

- Mark Brayton, Interim CMO Nationwide

We’re proud to be the first corporate partner to work with Lumi– an organisation giving opportunity for youth to be front and centre in tackling the most important global issues.

- Cyber expert, Big Four Accounting Firm

I really enjoyed observing how ideas in both apprentice teams evolved session after session. A project like this shows that co-operation centered around design thinking is simply very productive.

Customer Feedback & Reviews

  • Share Capital to be enhanced from £650,000 to £1M by March, 2024.
  • Financial Model - 60% funds deployed for conservation, 40% operational expenditure.
  • Asset Lock to protect the interests of the Guardians and communities.
  • Periodic Community Interest Test by the Regulator.
  • Features of a CIC - specifically designed to create a sustainable social enterprise:
  • Governed by English Law.

About Sacred Groves

  • Community Interest Company (CIC) No. 12481036 — incorporated by the Registrar of Companies for England & Wales, UK.

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Use this space to add awesome interactivity. Include text, images, videos, tables, PDFs... even interactive questions!Premium tip: Get information on how your audience interacts with your creation:

  • Visit the Analytics settings;
  • Activate user tracking;
  • Let the communication flow!

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Use this space to add awesome interactivity. Include text, images, videos, tables, PDFs... even interactive questions!Premium tip: Get information on how your audience interacts with your creation:

  • Visit the Analytics settings;
  • Activate user tracking;
  • Let the communication flow!