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World Earth Day

12. Thanks

11. Team

10. Data

08. Timeline

09. Map

07. Versus

06. Process

05. Video

04. Image


02. Event Proposal

01. Introduction

about this event


Leading to my event.



The natural resources of Earth are using up such as fossil fuels, minerals, water, and coal. The resources most at risk of being depleted are minerals, oil, water, and forests. It's estimated that known oil-deposits will run out by 2052. Although there are renewable resources that can substitute the natural resources, there are factors that bottleneck this possibility such as cost and efficiency barriers. However, this is also due to the lack of people using it. Once more people are more educated about renewable energy and the environment, Earth will become sustainable once more; this is what I aim to do in this event.

Earth is not sustainable at the moment:

What is happening to our planet?

01. Introduction

Gaylord Nelson proposed World's Earth Day.



Gaylord Nelson

"The ultimate test of man's conscience may be his willingness to sacrifice something today for future generations whose words of thanks will not be heard. Our goal is not just an environment of clean air and water and scenic beauty"

01. Introduction

Mahatma Gandhi

"Earth provides enough to satisfy every man's needs, but not every man's greed"

Martin Luther King Jr.

"Even if I knew that tomorrow the world would go to pieces, I would still plant my apple tree"

01. Introduction

01. Introduction

What are

I want to preserve natural resources, promote renewable energy, reduce waste, and foster sustainable practices in various sectors. The passion for sustainability comes from when I lived in Hong Kong, which inspired me to do this event

My passions:

Synposis, themes, developed plans and ideas,

Event Proposal


All people are welcome to come to this event, where I focus on ecology. There will be food and drinks there provided, and different stalls around the centre educating people about the environment. At the centre, there is a stage, in the middle of the lake.As this event is a music event, I would include music pieces where themes are directly linked to protecting the environment.

it shall be hosted on World’s Earth Day, where this year’s theme is 'Planet vs Plastics'. This will be set in an arboretum in Nottingham, where it will be a music event at the centre of the arboretum.

In this event,

My Synopsis

02. Event Proposal

There are many places in the world that are considered environmentally friendly. I have decided for the venue it will be in Nottingham, as it aims to be carbon neutral by 2028, reflecting my desire for Earth to be sustainable.

Greenest Placesin the World

02. Event Proposal

02. Event Proposal

I want to focus on ecology, however in a form that I embed culture within. This will be done through hosting an event with people having different ethnicity. I want people to put their difference aside and focus on the main idea – the earth, what problems it is facing, how will we solve this, et cetera.

What is my focus?



Because ecology is such a broad and sophisicated topic, it is really hard to focus on everything at once, however I will condense my main desire of the event into 4 main ideas:

What are the points of my event?




02. Event Proposal

Timeline, budget, distribution, and everything else that needs to be stated.

Project - In Depth


Subtitle here


Write yoursection here

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What are you willing to do?

05. Video

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit

Are you ready for a Change?

05. Video

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.



Subtitle here


Subtitle here


Subtitle here


What are you willing to do?

06. Process

Subtitle here


Subtitle here


Subtitle here


What are you willing to do?

06. Process



Esto es un párrafo de texto listo para escribir un contenido genial



Esto es un párrafo de texto listo para escribir un contenido genial



Esto es un párrafo de texto listo para escribir un contenido genial



Esto es un párrafo de texto listo para escribir un contenido genial

06. Process

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Title 2

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Title 1

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  5. Lorem ipsum

07. Versus

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Subtitle here

Title 2

Subtitle here

Title 1

07. Versus

Write your subtitle here


Write your subtitle here

Write your subtitle here



08. Timeline


Subtitle here

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit


Subtitle here


08. Timeline

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna.

Subtitle here

Name of the team

11. Team

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.






Name of the team

11. Team

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit

Greenest Countriesin the World

09. Map

Lorem Ipsum Dolor


Lorem Ipsum Dolor



Lorem Ipsum Dolor


Sustainable development

10. Data

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Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet


Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet



Sustainable development

10. Data


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Reducing plastic use:

I will focus on reducing plastic consumption, as well as using biodegradable products.Reduces greenhouse gas emissions, which contribute towards climate change. Reduces the amount of waste that needs to be recycled or, in developing countries, sent to landfills/incinerators. Saves money, since reusable items work out cheaper than constantly purchasing more plastic.

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My event will be set in a arebtorium, where it is a botanical collection composed exclusively of trees of a variety of species.I want people to realise how biodiverse this planet is, without affecting the current state of the planet, as human activity on rural areas could decrease the biodiversity on that certain habitat.By setting it in an arboretum, it emphasises the variety of different species living on this planet, without directly affecting it.

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People need to put their differences aside and focus on the earth, what problems it is facing, how will we solve this, et cetera.

In this event, I want all cultures from around this world to attend this event, so we can learn how to co-exist together as a whole community on this mission to help our planet. I want to embed culture within this event. Although we have different ideas, we all have the same idea of trying to keep the environment sustainable.

For example, when I lived in Hong Kong, we had a system called the "polluter-pays" principle, the waste disposed of by all place in Hong Kong will be subject to charging based on its quantity. However in the United kingdom, From 21 May 2021, there is a minimum of 10 pence a bag for single-use carrier bags in attempt to reduce the use of single-use carrier bags.

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I was told that Hong Kong's three landfills are expected to be full by the 2030 and I feel a deep sense of unease. I have responsibility toward creating a more equitable and habitable planet for current and future generations, especially after when I saw COP-26 on TV.

A little about myself

When I was in Hong Kong...

Finite Resources and Sustainability

I want to tell people the problem of wasting the Earth's natural resources and what effects it has on us, and that we still have time to solve this crisis. I believe that if humans unite and focus on this problem, we could solve this issue of running out of natural resources.I feel like this can be solved by using different products, such as biodegradable products, using renewable resources, etc ectera.

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About the Earth

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.
  • Consectetur adipiscing elit.
  • Sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut.

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