Want to make creations as awesome as this one?


I can use cognates and near cognates to support my understanding.

I can recognise and range of phonemes and graphemes in French.

I can use my knowledge of phonics to pronounce and write accurately.

Ma boite à outils.

LO: to read, write and say a range places in the town.

LO: to read, write and say a range places in the town.


LO: to read, write and say a range places in the town.

un stade

LO: to read, write and say a range places in the town.

Can you make predictions about what these words mean?

une patinoire

une école

un zoo

un hôpital

un cinéma

un musée

une rivière

une bibliotèque

un supermarché

un stade

une patinoire

une école

un zoo

un hôpital

un cinéma

un musée

une rivière

une bibliotèque

un supermarché

Carton !

LO: to read, write and say a range places in the town.

LO: to read, write and say a range places in the town.

un stade

LO: to read, write and say a range places in the town.

une école

LO: to read, write and say a range places in the town.

une patinoire

LO: to read, write and say a range places in the town.

un supermarché

LO: to read, write and say a range places in the town.

une bibliotèque