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“Addressing Health and Well-being at Schools” (HEALTH@SCHOOL)

Project number: 2023-2-SK01-KA210-000176581




a) dimensions of health, b) the role of nutrition in both health and well-being but also environmental sustainability developmentc) the tackling of spread of online disinformation and misinformation



- Determine dimensions of healthy/unhealthy behaviors around food and promote health and well-being to our schools and local communities.- Raise awareness of the need of a healthy planet, securing the health of both humans and environment.- Equip students with the appropriate 7Cs skills for their academic achievements and future life. - Improve students' basic skills and knowledge of various topics related to nutrition so to avoid disinformation.- Equip teachers and students with digital competences so to produce digital resources and content that will be adapted in school curricula.- Analyze the evidence about the effectiveness of school interventions upon food, nutrition and health, related directly to the environmental outcomes.



The participation in this project, besides our concrete objectives, will: -improve participants’ world view, self-confidence, ambition and aspiration, -provide a more tolerant outlook towards other people, -improve practices for supporting mental health and wellbeing in school culture -create a whole-school culture of well-being


4 students and 2 teachers will take part in each mobility.


Vranov nad Toplou

„Health and well-being”


"Responsible consumption and production"


„Why is water and sanitation important for health?”


“Project framework”







Online meeting


Transnational activities upon a joint curriculum for the topics of our project implementation




Logo selecting and voting

Until 7/2

Virtual activitiesTwinSpace project management


JAN2024 who is who:presenting ourselves, countries, cities, schools by using WEB2.0 toolsFEB2024 logo selecting and voting; Identifying nutritional status and eating behaviour: Food Frequency Questionnaire; Identifying knowledge gaps: Kahoot quiz; Identifying what students would like to learn and how: Lino.it web2.0 tool MAR2024 Social development in adolescence: influences to their food choices- Adolescent nutrition: Why does it matter?-Development and growth changes- Eating behaviour-Recommendations-Body image and Eating disorders-Survey:Body-Esteem Scale for Adolescents (BESAA) APR2024 Adolescents’ health challenges in our countries MAY2024 Alcohol consumption; Use of substances JUN2024 Nutritional status-Healthy weight:BMI, Waist to Hip ratio, Fat percentage - Physical activity-Basal metabolism-Energy balance Responsible consumption and production meeting in Greece SEP2024 Nutritional and caloric value of food: Carbohydrates, Proteins, Lipids, Vitamins, Minerals Why does water matter? Clean water and sanitation meeting in Serbia: Activities OCT2024 Interactions among environmental health and nutrition; Interactions among health and nutrition NOV2024 Interactions among Anxiety and nutrition; Anxiety in adolescent-Survey:ANXIETY QUESTIONNAIRE (STAI – GR.X-2) DEC2024 Health and Well-being meeting in Slovakia JAN2025 1ST YEAR EVALUATION by students and teachers; Popular diets: Pros and cons FEB-APR2025 Selecting materials used-Final outputs’ editing MAY2025 Evaluation-Dissemination of the results and outputs JUN2025 Final report editing


Open Days – Dissemination management


Game Based Learning

Project Based Learning

Inquiry ScienceBased Learning





Final products

"Addressing Health and Well-being at schools and beyond"


  • Examples of good practices from each country (learning scenarios, prior knowledge worksheets, other worksheets, resources,tools, etc)
  • students' work in form of posters, infographics, presentations, recordings, information bulletins, etc.
  • data collected in each research, test , evaluation form and their results
  • papers, articles communicating the results

Final products



1st Day Welcome note -Ice-breaker activities Project background-Roadmap-Risk management-Roles & responsibilitiesProject scope overview and Next steps (partner forum) - Signing the agreementStudents' point of view and expectations-shared leadership 2nd Day Workshop on eTwinning, ESEP platform (with and by students)Workshop on the use of digital tools that will be used (with and by students)Designing the project idea - apply for new project to eTwinning 3rd Day Meeting with local stakeholders: presenting the project Workshop on How to address Health and well-being at school and beyond Evaluation of the meeting - Certificates, Europasses

secondary school specializing in scientific subjects with great relationships in academia; the science department. is attentive to environmental education

Liceo Scientifico Statale Benedetto Croce, Palermo, Italy

Activities in the field of this application are linked to the curricula of a)Environment, Food and Agriculture sector, b)Health,Welfare and Wellness sector.

1st EPAL Nafpaktou, Nafpaktos, Greece

School has a Chemistry and Agriculture, production and processing of food profile

Hemijsko-prehrambena tehnološka škola, Belgrade, Serbia
  • Guided study visit to a drinking water processing plant,
  • Outdoor STEM on Ada Cinganlija related to water sampling and analyzing, combined with case study,
  • discussion: -the results of all mixed groups, -the impact of a large number of visitors and catering facilities on the quality of water in the lake, and -the sustainability of good water quality in the lake.
  • Students investigation: What are fake news, disinformation and misinformation? How to recognize fake news? Debunking nutrition-related fake news. True and false about the role of water in health and safety.

DAY1 Welcome note and ice-breaker activitiesWhy does consumption matter? - Adolescent nutrition , use of alcohol, substances use -Carbon Food footprint - Eating disorders-Undernutrition-OvernutritionIntermediate survey on eating habits: Food Frequency Questionnaire DAY2 Which would be the most important health and environmental challenges linked to food that will be faced in the future? Farm to fork journey-Digital Escape room Responsible production: Sustainable practices in production and processing:Study visitsDAY3 Development of a consumption in a sustainable manner: Mediterranean DietSchools go to University: How can responsible consumption and production help to reduce the health risks?DAY4 Closing ceremony: Communicating our results - Evaluation - Certificates-EuropassesTake home message: Nature provides a free lunch, but only if we control our appetites

a secondary grammar school with very good relations with a university in Košice (UPJS) as wellas Prešov University in Prešov to provide expertisein the field of the project.

Gymnázium Cyrila Daxnera, Vranov nad Topľou, Slovakia

DAY 1 Welcome ceremony and icebreaking activitiesHow much do students know about popular diets and how do they work? Research on the topic and producing a questionnaireWorkshop with a nutritionist DAY 2 You are what you eat? - Research into the school canteen menu and food available at kiosk in the school What can I do out of school to improve my performance? - Workshop with a psychologist DAY 3 Outdoor possibilities - making use of digital tools while making a map and preparing a list of activities in cooperation with the local stakeholders DAY 4 Closing ceremony- Evaluation, certificates and Europasses, a trip in the area