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Differences between

Dayak Tribes Traditional Costume



Traditional costume

Social identity in Dayak


Who are the dayak?


Dayak people refers to indigenous people in Borneo Island,sARAWAK a state in MALAYSIA. There are by some estimates approximately 450 ethnolinguistic.Dayak generally viewed as sharing a number of similarities in languages, living styles (most of these groups traditionally lived in longhouses), customary laws (known as adat).

Who are the Dayak ?

Stuart Hall (1996, cited in Baldwin et al., 2014 cited in Eames, 2023), posed the superficially simple question: “Who needs identity?”

Social Identity In Dayak

- Religion -Culture -Ethnicity -Language -Music -Dress

Known as land dayAk 8% of the Sarawak population Costume Cost : £200-£500
Known as SEA DAYAK 30% of the Sarawak population Costume cost : £1000-£1200



Traditional Costume

When will people wear this costume?

  • Wedding Ceremony
  • Beauty Pageant
  • Dinner Event
  • Ritual Dance
  • Special Occasion such as Gawai Dayak - an annual celebration of the Iban communities to worship the paddy spirit




Headgear of bidayuh costume

Sugu tinggi

The head part is beautifying the wearer with a silver headgear made out of tin metal




Copper metal belt


Back on the old days, the coins applied in the corset is real, and it is to show wealth and status.




a necklace made of colourful ceramic beads and pendants stitched together with thin wire stripes or nylon strings.

Marik Empang

The Marik Empang is arranged on the shoulder part in which is fitted with colorful beads, decorated with a circumference of cotton cloth, and the edge of the cloth is decorated with small coins made from tin, in which is known asKain Tating








Cultural heritage products of the ethnic and aboriginal communities are renowned for their intrinsic and exceptional values. They may come in various forms and serve as the crucial source of identity, solidarity and vitality of the communities.


Thank You for Listening

Reference list

- Azmi, I., Ramli, N. and Zaky, S.(2017),'Protecting Cultural Heritage As A Muslim Friendly Tourism Product', A Case Study Of Annah Rais Longhouse Village Sarawak, p.1293.- Eames,A.(2023),'Elements of identity',University Of Leicester - Minority Right Group International (2018),'World Directory of Minorities and Indigenous Peoples'. Available at : https://minorityrights.org/minorities/dayak/- Wahed, W. and Pitil,P.(2018) 'Ngepan Indu Iban: The Aesthetic Features of Female Iban Costume in Sarawak', 2nd Asia International Conference of Arts & Design, pp. 40.

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