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8 weeks delivery - 8 sessions Assignents will be set 14th April 24


Keeping Active & Healthy

Core British Values

Session 1


Distinction Criteria Learning Aim B

Merit Criteria Learning Aim B

Pass Criteria Learning Aim B

Distinction Criteria Learning Aim B

Merit Criteria Learning Aim A

Pass Criteria Learning Aim A

What we will be looking at

Learning Aim B

Learning Aim A



Intro(Click on the bikes to see more.)

What we will be looking at.(Click on the eyes)

Make sure you cover what you think you need to do to meet the pass, merit and distinction criteria.

Now you have read all the intro - discuss as a group what you have understood about this unit.

In groups you will be given a different section from what we are going to be looking at. You will now create a mind map showing everything you know already about the subject given.

What do you know already?

Session 2

Running on the spot - last one to stop running is the winner. Any hestitating your out.Any slowing down your out, so be mindful of the pace you set yourself. Go!!!!

Starter Task

How did that make you feel?

+ info

This is a link to the Eatwell guide.

Click on the info box below.

Create a diary for next week - showing how you keep active and healthy, complete it and upload to your document area for this unit.

Here is an example of what your diary could look like. Feel free to get creative and come up with your own. (click on the blue link)

Benefits of physical activity for different categories of people.

Session 3

Starter task- Recreate this as a drawing in groups and use different images to represent each section.

Memory task.You have 10 minutes to memorise this image with text. You can make notes on mini post its. You will then recreate this poster in your document for this UNIT.

Now see if you can find a similar image for a different age groupUpload this into your document.

Now research benefits of physical activity for pregnant women. Create your own poster from what you have found out. Show this in your unit document. (A4 research a topic/SP12 keeping active and healthy)

We need to visit the gym and take some photos.

Preparation for next week.

Lets review your diaries and give some advise to each other. When you give your advise make sure you state why your suggestion is important - do your research, use links provided in this session plan/information shared with you and other sources of information. You can even share helpful links for further information.

Session 4 - Starter TRUE OR FALSE. Answer the statements given and then you will come up with your own.

Remember we took some photos of the Gym last week - Now its time to use them. Create a visual gym exercise programme for the week for a 65 year old male/female who wants to get fit. You will then have a go next week to see if your plan is manageable.Please come in your gym clothes next week.

Case studies How would you help these people

Click on each image to find out more. In your groups you are going to discuss these people and make notes and then go and write up how you would help them. Make sure this is showing in your A4 research a topic/PS12 Keeping healthy/active document.

Dont forget your research a topic on your keeping healthy/active topic of choice.As laid out in your research a topic session plans - see genially embedded into this page.

Make sure all your work is logged on your A4/SP12 document. Bring it altogether and make it clear why it is there. Dont forget to include the written quiz that we did at the beginning of this unit.

Ways to improve eating habits • Eating less or more food, eating less or more from different food groups, different eating times, preparation of food, drinking more fluid and planning meals.

Effects of alcohol and smoking on sports performance • Smoking, to include compromised breathing, chemicals affecting blood circulation and poor performance. • Alcohol, to include muscle cramps, risk of injury, poor performance, poor reaction time, dehydration and tiredness.

Transferable skills • Researching: guidelines, benefits and recommendations to improve the following factors – physical activity, smoking, alcohol intake and healthy eating for different specific individuals. • Planning: presenting a plan that makes recommendations for an active and healthier lifestyle for a specific individual.

Learners will develop the skills needed to make active and healthy lifestyle recommendations to a specific individual

Benefits of physical activity for different individuals • Children and teenagers – meet friends, improve skills and confidence. • Adults and older adults – keep active, health benefits and make friends. • Pregnant women – help circulation and support easier pregnancy and birth. • People with disabilities – improve confidence, keep active and healthy and make friends.

Tommy Smith Age: 4 Gender: Male Background: Tommy is a lively and energetic preschooler who lives with his parents and two older siblings. He attends a local preschool where he interacts with other children his age. Tommy's parents have expressed concerns about his behavior and overall health, particularly regarding his diet and lack of physical activity. Behavioral Issues: Tommy exhibits impulsive behavior, often acting without considering consequences. He has difficulty following instructions and frequently interrupts conversations or activities. He can be easily frustrated and tends to throw tantrums when things don't go his way. His teachers have noticed that he struggles with sharing and taking turns during group activities, which sometimes leads to conflicts with other children. Dietary Concerns: Tommy's diet primarily consists of processed snacks, sugary treats, and fast food. He shows little interest in fruits, vegetables, or other nutritious foods. His parents have noticed that his energy levels fluctuate throughout the day, and he often complains of stomachaches or feeling unwell after consuming too many sweets. Exercise Habits: Tommy spends most of his time indoors watching TV or playing video games. He shows little enthusiasm for physical activities and resists efforts to engage him in outdoor play or exercise. His sedentary lifestyle contributes to his low energy levels and lack of physical fitness.

A.D1 Search for and select information about how to keep active and healthy from own and given sources.

Learning Aim A Find out how to keep active and healthy

Health risks of smoking and drinking alcohol • Smoking, to include lung cancer, lung infections, heart disease, heart attack and stroke. • Alcohol, to include cancer, high blood pressure, depression, stroke, weight gain, stomach ulcers and liver disease.

Mrs. Margaret Thompson Age: 75 Gender: Female Background: Mrs. Margaret Thompson is a retired school teacher who lives alone in a small apartment. She has been coping with several disabilities, including arthritis and mobility issues, which have significantly impacted her ability to perform daily tasks and maintain an active lifestyle. Recently, Margaret has been experiencing feelings of sadness and loneliness, leading to depression. Health Conditions: Margaret's arthritis has made it difficult for her to move around freely and perform basic activities such as cooking and cleaning. As a result, she often relies on processed and convenience foods that are high in sodium and low in nutritional value. Her lack of physical activity and poor diet have contributed to weight gain and worsened her overall health. Depression: Margaret's physical limitations and feelings of isolation have taken a toll on her mental well-being. She often feels hopeless, lacks motivation, and struggles to find enjoyment in activities she once loved. She has difficulty sleeping and frequently experiences fatigue and mood swings.

David Thompson Age: 45 Gender: Male Background: David Thompson is a 45-year-old middle-aged man who has recently faced significant challenges in his life. He was recently made redundant from his job, adding to his stress and financial worries. David has been struggling with alcohol use, which has escalated to daily drinking as a means of coping with his emotions and uncertainties about the future. His family has noticed changes in his behavior, including mood swings and increased irritability, particularly around the home environment. Alcohol Dependence: David's reliance on alcohol has become a daily habit, affecting his physical and mental health, as well as his relationships with family and friends. He often drinks alone, using alcohol as a way to numb negative emotions and escape from reality. His increased alcohol consumption has led to impaired judgment, memory lapses, and difficulties in functioning effectively in his daily life. Redundancy and Financial Stress: Losing his job has added to David's feelings of insecurity and inadequacy. He worries about providing for his family and feels a sense of failure due to his unemployment status. These financial concerns, combined with his alcohol use, have created a vicious cycle of stress and despair. Mood Swings: David's family has observed noticeable changes in his mood and behavior, ranging from periods of withdrawal and sadness to outbursts of anger and frustration. He struggles to communicate effectively and often lashes out at loved ones, creating tension and conflict within the household. His family is concerned about his well-being but may feel overwhelmed and unsure of how to help him effectively.

Keeping active and healthy is something you probably do without thinking about it – but do you ever find yourself trying to persuade other people to do the same? Maybe someone you know smokes or drinks, or perhaps they need advice on what sort of physical activities are suitable for them and where to find the right information to get more active and healthy. In this unit, you will learn how physical activity, diet, smoking and alcohol affect health and sports performance. You will understand how to keep healthy and how to reduce the chances of getting some life-threatening diseases. You will feel more able to advise others on how they can keep active and healthy too. You will develop the practical skills needed to plan and present your recommendations to a specific individual.

Emily Rodriguez Age: 17 Gender: Female Background: Emily Rodriguez is a 17-year-old high school student who recently discovered she is pregnant. She lives with her parents and two younger siblings in a low-income neighborhood. Emily has been facing several challenges in her life, including academic struggles, peer pressure, and strained family relationships. Her pregnancy has added an additional layer of stress and uncertainty. Smoking Habit: Emily has been smoking heavily since she was 15, often using cigarettes as a coping mechanism to deal with stress and anxiety. Despite being aware of the risks to her health and the health of her unborn child, she has found it difficult to quit due to addiction and the influence of her social environment. Pregnancy: Emily's pregnancy was unplanned and has left her feeling overwhelmed and unsure about her future. She has mixed emotions about becoming a mother at such a young age and worries about how it will impact her education, relationships, and personal goals. She lacks knowledge about prenatal care and healthy lifestyle choices during pregnancy. Dietary Concerns: Emily's diet primarily consists of processed and fast food, lacking essential nutrients necessary for her own health and the proper development of her baby. She often skips meals or opts for convenience foods due to limited time and financial resources. She is unaware of the importance of a balanced diet during pregnancy and the potential consequences of poor nutrition. Exercise Habits: Emily leads a sedentary lifestyle, spending most of her time indoors and engaging in minimal physical activity. She lacks motivation to exercise and feels too tired or unmotivated to participate in regular physical activity. She is unaware of the benefits of exercise during pregnancy for her own health and the well-being of her baby.

B.M2 Produce an appropriate plan summarising why recommendations are suitable for a specific individual

A.P1 Search for and select information about how to keep active and healthy from a given source.

Importance of healthy eating • Health, to include control weight, prevent disease and boost immune system. • Sport, to include reach and maintain ‘race’ weight, optimal sports training and performance, energy levels and recovery. • Essential nutrients, to include fat, carbohydrate, protein, vitamins, minerals and water. • Function of nutrients, to include energy, growth and repair. • The Eatwell Guide, used to ensure a balanced diet with five food groups and other common foods, to include fruit and vegetables; potato, bread, rice, pasta and other starchy carbohydrates; dairy and alternatives; beans, pulses, fish, eggs, meat and other proteins; oil and spreads.

Learning Aim B Present a plan making recommendations for a specific individual.

Knowledge and sector skills Guidelines for physical activity for different individuals • To include adults, children, teenagers, older adults, pregnant women and people with disabilities. • Who sets targets and makes recommendations on physical activity, e.g. NHS, British Heart Foundation etc

B.P2 Produce a simple plan including suitable recommendations for a specific individual.

B.D2 Produce a detailed plan describing why recommendations are suitable for a specific individual.

Ways to stop smoking, reduce alcohol and lead a more active lifestyle • Smoking, e.g. support groups, helplines, nicotine patches and changing habits etc. • Alcohol, e.g. small glasses, non-drinking days, low alcoholic drinks, keeping count of drinks, support groups, counselling etc. • National and local initiatives, e.g. Change4Life, local clubs etc

Alex Johnson Age: 14 Gender: Male Background: Alex Johnson is a 14-year-old teenage boy who spends the majority of his time playing video games. He lives with his parents and two younger siblings in a busy neighborhood. Alex has been struggling academically and socially, leading to increased isolation and dependence on screen-based activities for entertainment and distraction. Gaming Addiction: Alex's obsession with video games has reached a point where he neglects other responsibilities, including attending school regularly. He often stays up late into the night gaming and struggles to maintain a regular sleep schedule. His excessive screen time has led to poor eye development, strained vision, and an inability to focus on tasks outside of gaming. Poor Muscle Development: Due to prolonged sitting during gaming sessions, Alex has developed poor muscle tone and overall muscle development. He lacks strength and endurance, which impacts his ability to engage in physical activities or even perform basic movements comfortably. Anger Issues: Alex's excessive screen time has also contributed to increased irritability and anger issues. He becomes frustrated easily, especially when faced with challenges or interruptions to his gaming sessions. His inability to regulate emotions and manage stress has strained relationships with family members and peers. Dietary Concerns: Alex's diet is often characterized by convenience foods and snacks consumed while gaming, lacking essential nutrients for growth and development. He frequently skips meals or opts for unhealthy options, contributing to poor nutrition and overall health.

A.M1 Search for and select information about how to keep active and healthy from different given sources.