Want to make creations as awesome as this one?





Dmitri Mendeleev19th Century Russian scientist and educatorCredited as the scientist who first published the periodic tableAvid card playerPut the elements on cards - publishedOthers added to the gaps and relationships grewUsed to this day to teach the table...

WHat is gamification?

"Strategy that implements game-like elements into non-gaming activities to enhance engagement and motivation"


gamificationwhat are they learning?

1. Improves cognitive development2. Increases levels of engagement3. Aids accessibility4. It isn't limited to the classroom5. Makes learning fun and interactive6. Opportunties for live feedback

1. brain games have been found to improve the rate at which the brain processes information3. Studies have shown that gamification of content with autistic students enhances retention5. flipped learning opportunities outside of the classroom - application inside

benefits in fe?

1. Points scoring 2. Leader boards3. Trophies4. Teams5. Levels6. Time limit

turning it into a game!

Turn to the person sitting next to you...Choose 1x piece of content you are teaching after half term (yay!)...Consider how you can add all 6x points to turn teaching it into a game...Swap roles!

1. Points scoring 2. Leader boards3. Trophies4. Teams5. Levels6. Time limit

turning it into a game

1. Gen Z-ers spend 8+ hours a day online. (ThriveMyWay)2. 95% of teens report they have a smartphone or access to one. (PewResearch) 3. Over 32% of Gen Z transactions happen on a mobile device. (Criteo)4. 55% of Gen Z use their smartphones for 5 or more hours a day. (CGK)

WHy look to digital options?

click below

40x ideas

- 1x attempt (competitive)- timer (5mins)- levels (question types)- leaderboard (points = prizes)- live feedback (show answers)


lets have a go!

tricky bit oF content!?boring bit of content!?Difficult group to engage!?lesson at 3pm on friday!?