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By Alisha R

The Stars, Space and Night Sky


1.The Night Sky and The Planets

4. Mars

3. Earth

2. Venus

1. Mercury

8. Neptune

7. Uranus

6. Saturn

5. Jupiter

Can you guess the planets in order?


There are 8 planets in our solar system and these are Saturn, Earth, Venus, Neptune, Mercury, Jupiter, Uranus, and Mars. The Sun is 93 million miles from the Earth.

The Solar System

What can you see?


The Night Sky:

Stars are giant, luminous spheres of plasma. Every star you see in the night sky is bigger and brighter than our sun. There are billions of them — including the sun — in the Milky Way galaxy. And there are billions of galaxies in the universe.So why do they appear so small to us?

The Night Sky


2.The Stars

A star develops from a giant, slowly rotating cloud that is made up entirely or almost entirely of hydrogen and helium. Due to its own gravitational pull, the cloud begins to collapse inward, and as it shrinks, it spins more and more quickly, with the outer parts becoming a disk while the innerparts become a clump. This collapsing material grows hotter and denser, forming a ball-shaped protostar. When the heat in the protostar reaches about 1 million degrees Celsius, atomic nuclei that normally repel each other start fusing together, and the star ignites. Nuclear fusion converts a small amount of the mass of these atoms into extraordinary amounts of energy — for instance, 1 gram of mass converted entirely to energy would be equal to an explosion of roughly 22,000 tons of TNT.

How are stars formed?