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Zenput Day In The Life

Mar 2024

Jan 2024

P1W3Project Map Created

P1W4Control Study Conducted

P1W5PACS T&M & Support Materials Created

Feb 2024

Apr 2024

P2W1Project Launched into PACS




P5W2Launch into May KEL

P4W2Streamline Zenput Content

P4W1Create Schedulalised Zenput DITL

P3W1Data Validation & Analysis Phase

P3W2Data Insights & Action Planning

P3W4Share Data & Insights with P&C Team


P4W3Create Support Materials for Launch

May 2024

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PACS Manager to Manage

Project Live In PACS

  • On hand to answer any questions
  • Ensure weekly T&M Studies are being submitted fully, on time, & to the expected standars
  • Spot & feedback any roadblock's/ issues being experienced which may affect project/ data credibility
  • Weekly check-In's with Project team

Project One Pager

  • Phased Timelines
  • PACS Support Materials
  • PACS Overview
  • Data Gathering, Analysis & Insights phases
  • P&C Insights share
  • Outputs: Revised Zenput Task Scheduling
  • Outputs: Zenput Content Streamlining
  • Measure: Zenput recurring task completion rate improvement

All Included in this document

P&C Team

Data Insights Share

  • Data Insights to be Shared with P&C team for further use in wider Optimisation, Productivity & Efficeicy work streams etc
  • Any further feedback, or insights to be fed back to Project Team by P&C
  • Further collaboration where necessary on wider Day In The Life project

PACS Manager to Manage

Project Live In PACS

  • On hand to answer any questions
  • Ensure weekly T&M Studies are being submitted fully, on time, & to the expected standars
  • Spot & feedback any roadblock's/ issues being experienced which may affect project/ data credibility
  • Weekly check-In's with Project team

Taking Place in Dean Street

Control Study

A Time & Motion study will be conducted by the Project owner which will involve conducting a string of Zenput Opening tasks with an experienced Manager. This will form a 'baseline' or reference point for the rest of the T&M study data provided by PACS.Control Studies are conducted in a controlled or 'perfect' environment where the required tasks are sure to have been carried out thoroughly, to correcting standards and with accuracy.The control study will take into account subject variations such as restaurant covers, floors, sales etc

  • Morning GO LIVE check-in call
  • Re-run of expectations & deadline
  • Final Q&A
  • Call Time TBC with Emily

Mon 5th Feb

PACS Launch

  • Use analysed data & insights to move daily/ weekly/ monthly/ 6 monthly tasks to a more routined schedule
  • Schedule to allow for certain degree of flexibility according to 'real world' challenges faced in the Restaurants
  • DITL Visual Calendar created

Scheduling Recurring Tasks

Zenput 'Schedule' (DITL) Created

  • Background of the 'Why' we conducting this Zenput project & why we need accurate T&M recordings
  • Guidence on how to conduct your daily Time & Motion studies & fill in your form
  • Dealing with & recording interuptions
  • Weekly deadline deatils for submitting T&M forms
  • PRE GO LIVE Call to talk through & answer any questions/ watch out's prior to launch
  • PACS end date
  • Feedback channels

PACS Package will include:

PACS Materials

Prepare ZDITL & Materials For Launch

  • 'Whats Changing' document
  • ZDITL Schedule/Calendar poster/ visual
  • Trouble shooting for teams
  • Process to follow in the event of missing checks
  • Key contacts
  • Full Comms Plan

For Launch in May KEL

Align Zenput Content to ZDITL

  • Ensure all form content reflects DIFL plan
  • Ensure all projects are adjusted accordingly

  • Recieve fully completed T&M submission sheets from PACS Manager
  • Validate the relibaility/ credibility of data
  • Ajustments for listed extrenous factors (Restaurant covers, floors, weekly sales etc)
  • Extract mediun & avergage data
  • Consider creating Restaurant classification sets (Set 1, 2, 3)
  • Clean up data

Data Analysis & Validation

  • Provide slides & support materials to David for May KEL launch

May KEL Launch

PACS Manager to Manage

Project Live In PACS

  • On hand to answer any questions
  • Ensure weekly T&M Studies are being submitted fully, on time, & to the expected standars
  • Spot & feedback any roadblock's/ issues being experienced which may affect project/ data credibility
  • Weekly check-In's with Project team

  • Evaluate implications of Data
  • Collate Insights
  • Liase with Project Team & appropriate stakeholders to generate outputs to be put in to place

Data Insights & Action Planning