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Welcome to 10ESM 'sAssembly


The Common Good

The Common Good

The fruits of the earth belong to everyone. No one should be excluded from the gifts of creation.

-Money at the centre of life.-Life should centre everything.-We are a part of life


Laudato Si is a letter from the Pope....

here is a clip from 'Laudato Si'

-The Pope urges us to protect our common home.-Earth is God's gift.-The beauty of God's gift should be shared.

Laudato SiRecap

-Being kind to everyone and treating everyone equally.-Reducing your carbon footprint.-Thinking about the needs of others

Somebody to served for the common good...We learnt about this in R.S.


By Praise

As we breathe the very air which sustains us,Remember your love, God Which gives us life.Fill us with your compassion for creation Empty us of selflessness and fear Move us into action To save our earth And build your sustainable kingdom.

Thank You!