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Whether you incur expenses for travel, accomodation, or both, this guide will help you to understand what you can claim, and how to claim.


Expenses overview

DBL recognises that travel to a venue for session delivery is often required and maintains a Global Expense Policy to support you in understanding what you can claim for, and how to to claim.


Travel Expenses


Air Travel




Any expenses being claimed must be confirmed to the Delivery Programme Manager within 1 week of the delivery to ensure the client can be invoiced in a timely fashion. Expenses not included in this may not be approved for invoicing.

All expenses claims must be supported by a receipt when submitting your invoice to DBL.

Some clients may have an alternative expense policy as per their contract which is variable to the below, your Delivery Programme Manager will confirm this during resourcing if applicable.

Invoicing Process

Your invoice(s) should contain:

  • The programme and module designed or delivered;
  • The date it was completed or delivered;
  • The fee you were quoted for work or delivery;
  • The DBL job code provided by your Programme Manager;
  • Your invoicing details including invoice number & payment details;
The correct DBL entity listed:DBL Australia Ltd / DBL Europe Ltd / DBL Asia Ltd.

Preparing Your Invoice

Share your invoice(s) with the Accounts team, and/or your relevant Programme Manager(s).If you’re submitting an invoice across multiple clients and projects, please ensure all relevant Programme Manager(s) are included. Your Programme Manager(s) will review and approve your invoice, and confirm with Accounts for payment.For Design only (non-delivery team contact) invoices, please share with Natalie Summerlin (nsummerlin@developmentbeyondlearning.com).

Submitting Your Invoice


Travel Expenses


Air Travel





When booking rail travel, every effort should be made to book the best fares available in economy and booked as early as possible. Ensure any pre-booked train tickets are cancellable/refundable if possible.

Rail Travel

Mileage can be claimed at £0.45p/$0.75 (AUD/SGD) per mile. If you need to park at an airport, train station, client premises or parking space, please make every effort to find the most economical parking facility available. For London residents travelling to London deliveries, travel will not be expensed within the M25.

Car Travel

Taxis should generally not to be used for travel around London or other international cities, unless strictly necessary. Where convenient, use the underground/metro systems to travel within and around the city centre.

Public Transport

In addition to expenses, you are able to claim for the time spent travelling, this is per leg of journey and will be confirmed by your Delivery Programme Manager at time of booking.



Travel Expenses


Air Travel




Air Travel Expenses

When booking flights for air travel, every effort should be made to book best fares available in economy and be booked as early as possible. Ensure any booked flights are cancellable/refundable if possible. Anticipated long-distance travel by air or rail should be discussed with your Delivery Programme Manager and approved before being booked. This is because some clients will opt to book these for you through their own systems. This will generally be clarified in initial discussions.When you arrive at your destination, please make use of airport shuttles and taxis where appropriate and ensure you ask for a receipt if you are not offered one, as you will need this to support your expense claim.


Travel Expenses


Air Travel




Accomodation Expenses

When making hotel bookings, ensure that you book in advance to secure the best available rate at a hotel of your choice. Wherever possible, source a hotel that falls into the ‘moderate’ category, cost wise. Spend limits are different for each region. If you are unable to find accommodation within the spend limit then please speak to your Delivery Programme Manager.


Travel Expenses


Air Travel




Frequently Asked Questions

What are the pay rates for session delivery?

Are the rates subject to change?


Travel Expenses


Air Travel




How are the rates determined?

Who confirms the rates for my delivery?

What currency should I submit my invoice in?

This is available on the Facilitator Rate Card, which will have been provided to you first contracted with DBL.

Yes. The rates are subject to change, however our standardised rates are regularly reviewed to reflect the time and dedication our Facilitators give to DBL programmes.

All rates will be confirmed by your programme delivery manager during resourcing.


If you have any specific questions not covered, please contact your Delivery Programme Manager


Travel Expenses


Air Travel




Face to face deliveries are split by a full day, or 90 minutes-half day, in addition to travel fees to account for your time travelling to/from client events – these are per leg of journey.

Face to Face

If you are conducting a full day virtual workshop or 3+ masterclasses (90-120 mins) in a day you will charge the full day fee. This is also applicable if you are conducting two masterclasses across a full day (i.e. one in the morning and one in the afternoon, blocking you from picking up additional client deliveries, such as 11am and 2pm).Alternatively, if you are delivering a half-day workshop or two masterclasses across a morning/afternoon (for example: 9am and 11am), the half-day rate is applicable.

Virtual deliveries are split by number of deliveries per client.

Virtual Delivery

Full Days

Invoices should be submitted in the currency confirmed by your programme delivery manager; rates for deliveries in territories outside of client base location, will reflect the contracting jurisdiction. For example, if you are based in Australia but are conducting a delivery for a UK-client, your invoice should be submitted in GBP. If you are based in Singapore and are conducting a delivery for an Australian client, you should invoice in AUD.

DBL EuropeIf you’re submitting an invoice relating to programmes contracted by DBL Europe, this should be sent to the relevant Programme Manager(s) by the 16th of each month, for payment by the 28th.

Payment Terms and Dates

Invoices can contain multiple clients, programmes and deliveries. Invoices submitted after the below dates will be processed for payment the following month.

DBL Australia / AsiaIf you’re submitting an invoice relating to programmes contracted by DBL Australia or Asia, this should be sent to the relevant Programme Manager(s) by the 8th of each month, for payment by the 14th.