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The park clean-up adventure

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©2024 Kapow Primary

Interactive presentation

The park clean-up adventure

Click to reveal reasons why we should care for the world.

©2024 Kapow Primary



Once upon a time, a lively little town had a park filled with tall trees, colourful flowers and a sparkling pond. But lately the park looked untidy with rubbish scattered everywhere. One sunny morning, a group of children decided to make a difference. Aisha was the first to arrive. She remembered the story of Muhammad and the ants and how important it was to care for all creatures. She said, “If we keep the park clean, all the living creatures, no matter how small they are, can live happily!”

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©2024 Kapow Primary



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Next was David who brought birdseed. “In the Tenak, it's said that we must feed our animals before ourselves,” he explained as he spread the seeds. Lucy joined them with her watering can. “In the Bible, we're taught to look after the world. Let’s take care of our park to show we are thankful that God gave us this world as a gift!” she exclaimed.Tom brought his spade and said, “We believe Brahman is in every living creature. Let’s tidy the park to show our respect!”

The park clean-up adventure

Click to reveal reasons why we should care for the world.

©2024 Kapow Primary



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Then came Nina, who believed in being kind and caring for all living creatures. “If we keep our park clean, we are showing kindness to all living things as there is a special power in every living thing,” she said. Finally, Emma, who loved nature, joined them. “We should look after the world to show respect and care for all the living creatures we share it with,” she said with determination. Together, the children worked all morning. They picked up litter, recycled what they could and made sure the animals had a clean home. People passing by saw their hard work and joined in. Soon, the park was sparkling clean, the birds chirped happily and the pond glistened in the sunshine.

The park clean-up adventure

Click to reveal reasons why we should care for the world.

©2024 Kapow Primary



As they sat down to rest, Aisha said, “Look at what we've done together, each with our own beliefs, but all with the same love for our park!”And from that day on, the children met regularly to care for their park.They learned about each other's beliefs and found that no matter where their teachings came from, they all shared a common goal – to take care of the wonderful world around them.

The park clean-up adventure